For the Love of the Moon

Start from the beginning

The wounds turned out to be fatal, and as he was treated by private doctors he had paid off to treat him and his important men while keeping their mouths shut, he could hear their whispers of 'He won't make it through the night' and 'Who will lead the triad once he is dead? He is the only remaining Lee.'

Yut-lung knew he was going to die, and he despised this. He was going to die never knowing who his not-so indirect 'savior' was or why they killed his clan, never having been treated as something other than a trophy or bargaining chip, never having been given credit for all his work, and he hated it.

'Damn it'. he thought. 'Just give me a little more time, let me find the answers to my questions and experience what it's like to be seen, if only once. Take my soul to hell as soon as this happens, just give me a little more time.'

Meanwhile, Blanca was sitting outside the Lee's room, considering his options. He knew he was going to leave his service soon, but that didn't mean he wanted the boy to die. And now, thanks to his own incompetence and the inability of a man whose name he didn't even know, he was going to do just that. He sighed, from what the doctors were saying he would be dead by sunrise. If this was true than there was nothing he could do, the best thing would be to leave and seek out Ash. Yut-lung was too far gone, Ash however wasn't. He got up from his seat and began to make his way toward his room to collect his things, planning to make his way to Ash and inform him of his decision to defect.

If Blanca had stayed there not even five minutes more, he would have seen a red headed girl walk into the room where his dying now ex-employer lay. Cassandra had compelled her way through Yut-lung's men, and was here to turn him. This wasn't supposed to happen, she thought, he was supposed to be fine and stay human for at least a few more months. But it seems as if the butterfly effect is something you can only lessen, and not stave off completely.

Yut-lung was lying in his bed facing the door with his eyes closed, when he heard a noise coming from the doorway. He opened his eyes, and there stood the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes upon. She had wavy, blood red hair and tan skin. Her eyes glowed a deep gold. She looked... Ethereal, like the angel of death who had come to take his soul to hell. He must really be dying, he thought, if he's already having pre-death hallucinations of beautiful angels.

After a moment of silence, he spoke in a broken whisper "Are you going to kill me?"

The girl walked towards him, softened her neutral expression and said "On your birthday? Do you really think so low of me?"

Yut-lung frowned. Oh yes, today was his birthday. He never really cared much for it, and no one else seemed to either. It was rather fitting, actually, that a heartless being such as himself would be taken out of the world on the same day he was brought into it; like a mistake the universe was trying to pretend never existed. He wondered how exactly she knew this.

The girl walked closer to him and, due to a shocking mix of being too weak to stop her and actually wanting to let her, lifted his covers with no resistance whatsoever. She inhaled sharply when she saw that he was bleeding through his bandages, which were only there to keep him from dying faster at this point.

Her expression softened even more as she started to speak, "That looks bad, my apologies. Your injuries were collateral damage of my own mistakes."

He furrowed his brow in confusion, "What do you mean by that?"

She took a deep breath and once again began to speak, "My name is Cassandra Mikealson, though you may know me better as C.M. It is fantastic to finally meet you, Yut-lung, though I wish it were under better circumstances."

His eyes widened, "You... you killed my brothers? You, a child?! You somehow managed to exterminate the entirety of the Lee bloodline?! All... except for me." he trailed off in a whisper.

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