Positively Negative

Start from the beginning

My soul was positive. After decades of fighting my brother, it had had much experience fighting negativity that sought to taint it; Nightmare knew that. That was why he had opted to make this slow. He sent large waves of negativity toward my soul each week, and my soul had to spend time and energy to rid itself of the foreign magic. It could do that, and it was used to doing that. If Nightmare had simply injected me with all the magic he could force into me, my soul would have realized the unconquerable threat and turned me into stone again to halt its invader as it gathered the required positivity to combat it. By taking it slowly, the buildup of negativity in me was too minute for my soul to take such drastic measures; it simply expended a bit more energy to get rid of it. A little bit more each week turned into too much over time, and before I knew it, my soul had devoted too much energy to fighting the negativity; I could no longer reach the positivity that had been fueling me, and my soul was running on reserves. Yes, it could create positive magic, but the process was too slow to make much a difference at this point; my soul probably couldn't summon the magic needed to turn me into stone now.

Nightmare knew all of these things. He had always been the smart one. Every move he made was coordinated perfectly, and if a mistake was made, he always had a backup plan. Even his retreats were practiced. I supposed this end was inevitable, wasn't it? He had captured me right after I had announced that I would be going on the year-long vacation that my friends had told me to take to relax from overworking myself; no one would have questioned my disappearance. I hadn't told anyone where I had planned to go; they would have assumed that I had chosen an isolated AU, and no one would check up on me. As long as there were no emergencies, no one would try to track me; Nightmare had probably kept his chaos at regular levels and made a deal with Error to keep him from causing any events that would have required my assistance. He had probably been planning this for years, and his hard work was..paying off. I wasn't sure what would happen as my screaming intensified and I felt my life force, the positivity that I had been used to since my creation, fading. Maybe I would die. With the pain I felt right now, it was a valid possibility. I wasn't sure I could live without the thing that made me..me. As my eyesockets closed, I found that I wasn't as worried as I had thought I would be.

I woke up. I hadn't expected to wake up, but I did. I felt different. I usually felt like getting out of bed and conquering the day; I felt as if the day had already conquered me, and I wanted to stay wherever I was.

"Good morning, brother." Nightmare's voice didn't surprise me; if I had woken up, he was sure to be close by. "How do you feel?"

"Like going back to bed.." I mumbled, pulling the covers further up on me - wait, covers? I must have been in a bed..it certainly felt like that.

"Open your eyes, brother."

"Why?" I groaned slightly; that was too much of a task to accomplish.

"Just do it."


"You are fully capable, brother; now open your eyes."

I huffed in annoyance, opening my eyes only to glare; I didn't feel like doing anything, much less listen to the one who locked me in his dungeon for eight months!

"Hm.." He smiled slightly, staring into my eyelights. "May I see your soul now?"

"Don't you have somewhere better to be?" I scoffed. "This must be such a bore for you."

"Despite that, I would like to see your soul."

"Haven't you seen it a million times already? It's the same dumb old soul you've seen for the past few decades!"

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