chapter 58 . New york

Start from the beginning

  "   This is! ….. I mean it must be very expensive…. How can I take it ?"

     Zaid chuckled at her expression and her question too. Ronn also smiled at his naive wife.

  "    No, it's nothing I mean you are Ronn "s wife and you deserve much more than this, so please accept it and don't stress yourself  much "

   Ronn hugged Arohi and said " yes Jaan! He is right you deserve so much more than this okay now just go and take a rest. I will join you in some time ok "

     Arohi bid goodnight to zaid and left for the bedroom and the maid was following her to help her with the outfit 

     Ronn and Zaid left for the study room of sahay villa, Ronn and zaid settled down on the recliners and a househelp entered the study room with a trolley of expensive whiskey, an icebox and an expensive set of glasses. He served the drinks to two of them and left from there.

"  So did you tell her? I mean when are you planning to meet Dan? I hope you will visit him soon or else you know how he is ?"

"    Hmm I will but not now "

" Why ?"

" Because she didn't start trusting me, and before I could tell her it's important for me to gain her trust... I mean blind trust. But it will take some more time "

 "     Well, then I will suggest that you should talk to Dan, as you know how impulsive he is in this matter and I am afraid of any wrong move that will spoil everything ."

"   Yes you are right there zaid, the gift that you gave to arohi  was also his choice right "

"   Yes, after all, I am just his manager "

"  No but you are more like a son to him, I mean he treats you like a son only "

  "    I know but it's hard sometimes to work for him. I mean he is so sharp-minded, disciplined and his set of rules ."

  Ronn chuckled " Agree as he is my mentor and guide too, so I have bear it all "

    True, now I think I should take your leave. I have to report Dan too as he is eager to see her pics but he especially told me to show the pics  personally to him and not send them by phone … so goodbye and all the best 

"   Thank you and please convey to him that we will be there soon and then he can meet her personally "

  Zaid nodes at him then hugged ronn and left his place with all the security guards trailing behind him 

Ronn reached his bedroom and noticed that arohi was already in deep slumber so he entered the closet to change into his nightwear. Then he laid down on the bed and pulled Arohi over him, as Arohi "s habit she squirmed a little but soon fell asleep peacefully . Ronn kept admiring her for some time. Ranvijay was thinking about zaid "swords and in his thoughts, he didn't even come to know when he fell asleep.

The next morning when Arohi woke up from her sleep, she found herself alone in the bedroom for which she was thankful to God. She finished her daily routine and then left for the dining room as she was feeling famished. When she reached the dining room, the house help was serving breakfast to Ronn, who was busy on a call.

  Arohi reached near the dining table, Ronn signalled her to sit close to him, Arohi got settled on the chair adjacent to his. At that circumstance the only thing arohi was eager for was food, sitting arrangement doesn't matter to her, at least for this time 

Soon the househelp started serving her breakfast on her plate too. Arohi was happy to see Indian breakfast on her plate, she didn't waste time and quickly fed herself two spoons of upma, she started coughing badly as it was spicy ….too much spicy.

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