Like right now, Roseanne was just looking at the back of the girl's head, smiling softly. She saw how y/n's hands moved a bit to the music she was listening to, so she knew she was doing choreography in her head. Roseanne just held onto the straps of her backpack as y/n soon headed up the driveway to her house, walking straight in. She sighed and then continued walking to her house down the other street.

When she got inside, Alice was there waiting for her already, which caught her by surprise. Then again, she has been leaving school later, so it would make sense that she arrived before her.

"Why do you still follow behind y/n if you're the one that ended it?" Alice asked her sister straight up. Roseanne pretended like she didn't know what she was talking about,

"I don't know what you mean. Now if you'll excuse me–"

"You're not excused." Alice said right away, taking Roseanne by surprise. Roseanne now knew that this conversation would drag on longer than she hoped. She sighed and prepared for the questions that could be asked. Alice sensed that her younger sister was ready to talk, so she spoke again,

"Do you miss her?"

"No." Roseanne answered, lying straight through her teeth. Alice didn't buy her response one bit,

"You don't have to fucking lie to me." Roseanne clenched her jaw,

"I'm not lying, I don't miss her."

"Well you walking home later everyday now to see her is really telling me otherwise!"

"So what if I walk behind her to come home? The girls and I always talk after school for a little before we leave, and that just so happens to be when y/n also leaves!" She yelled to her sister, getting angry about the conversation. Alice scoffed,

"I never knew you could be like this; this type of person. I expected more from you, and you went and fucked it all up. You should feel shitty about yourself because deep down you know that those new 'friends' of yours are nothing compared to y/n." Alice shouted back before walking past Roseanne to go upstairs, making sure to give her a good shoulder check. Roseanne rubbed her shoulder and started to erase all the words Alice had just said to her from her memory basically.

These past few months, Alice always harps at Roseanne over the friendship she lost. Alice still makes time to hangout with y/n, so she keeps up to date with her life. That's one thing that annoyed Roseanne because she wouldn't leave her bedroom when y/n was in the house hanging out with Alice. And of course Alice knew Roseanne wouldn't leave her room, so that's why the two always hung out for hours on end to punish Roseanne per say.

Roseanne made her way upstairs to her room and closed the door behind her, taking a deep breath in and letting it out. She did not need to become more annoyed or stressed with her audition for YG Entertainment coming up in two days. Roseanne glanced over to her guitar and grabbed it, settling down on her bed as she strummed a few cords. She warmed up her voice a bit with a few exercises she learned in choir and started singing her audition song.

With how she was sounding right now, she was gaining a little more confidence. Her voice was smooth and there were no breaks or cracks. She was completely in tune and on time with her guitar. The reason she picked to also play her guitar for the audition was so her fingers could do something. If she just sang normally without the guitar, she would either pick at her nails or tug at the bottom of her shirt nervously. She'd look awkward and in no way shape or form wow anyone.

With the last strum, Roseanne laid her guitar down on her bed and a smile graced her lips. She felt 10 times better than she did before and it was all because of music: her therapy. But that small moment of satisfaction and relaxation was crushed when her eyes landed on the papers spread around her desk with red ink marking multiple sections.

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