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Paige Scott stands in the kitchen of the apartment she shares with her younger sister, Nicole aka Nikki holding and enjoying a freshly brewed cup of coffee when a young woman appears in front of her wearing only a t-shirt and underwear. 

"Morning. Is it cool if I grab some coffee?"

Paige eyes the brunette up, "Help yourself. Mugs are there." She points to the cupboard above the coffee maker. 


She watches as the woman fills a mug and then makes her way back inside her sister's bedroom, closing the door behind her. 

A short time later, while Paige is getting her fill of the evenings sports highlights, the woman makes her way back out and softly waves as she leaves, wearing a blouse that looks quite familiar to her. Shutting the television off, she bangs on her sister's door and hears moaning and groaning behind it before a loud, "Go away!" 

"Open the damn door Nikki, we need to talk!"

"Too early, I need sleep." 

"I'm leaving for work in 10, so, it's now or I'm showing up to your work to tell all your fans how much of a skank you are." 

"Urgh, fine. Let me just put some clothes on first." 

"Preferably your own; unlike the shirt, your latest conquest just paraded out of here wearing." 

"I'll buy you a new one, besides that, your co-workers will thank me for getting rid of that eyesore."

"I liked that blouse." 

"It wasn't your colour and ... damn, I can't remember her name had to get to work and needed something to wear that wasn't saturated in alcohol."

The bedroom door finally opens and Paige takes in the sight of sister and the mess behind her. She shakes her head, "It stinks in here and I don't know how you can find anything." 

Nikki shrugs, "It's not like I have anyone that I need to impress and it gives off an I'm not into relationships kinda feel."

"Yeah, it definitely does give off some type of feel. That's the third random I've seen leaving the apartment this week. When are you going to grow up and settle down, Nik? You're well past the age when it's cool to have one night stands." 

Nikki smiles, "What can I say? I'm a chick magnet and having way more fun not being locked down." 

"It's been two years since Rylee, you need to move on, Sis." 

"Oh trust me, I have with Ellie, Sam and .... yeah, I still don't remember her name, I think it started with an A; point being, why do I need a girlfriend, who's just going to end up cheating on me when I have you to look after me and all the hot ass I could ask for." 

"I always knew it was a bad idea you taking a bartender job at that nightclub."  

"First off, I'm a mixologist and secondly, I'm not the one who's struggling to pay her half of the rent. The tips are what keeps a roof over our head, pizza and beer in our fridge and the perks are pretty good as well." 

Paige rolls her eyes, "Yeah, the tits were definitely perky on that one; you sure she was legal? because she didn't look it to me. I'm heading to work, would it be too much to ask for you to pick up some real food for us to eat rather than cookies and tater tots?" 

"Tater Tots are the bomb! Don't be knocking 'em!" 

"Food, Nik, the kind that has real colour in it and not artificially pumped into it." 

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