What if I can't do this

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It had been a normal morning for Josie and
Hope they had just had breakfast and were on the couch watching a Disney movie called Encanto.

Josie had insisted they
watch it and who was Hope to deny her pregnant wife.

They were in the middle of the movie when they heard a loud knocking at their door they both looked at each other confused seeing as they didn't plan on having anyone over today.

Hope groaned before getting up and looking through the peephole
"what the hell-" Hope opened the door seeing Lizzie holding a baby.

"Hey lassie, hey sister dearest," Lizzie said letting herself in and
handing Hope the baby.

Hope looked at the baby holding it as far away from her as possible and then looked at Lizzie "whose child is this" Hope said concerned.

Josie walked into the kitchen with her arms crossed "Lizzie.. please don't tell me you kidnapped him".

Lizzie gasped offended "is that really what you think of me? and if you must know it's my friend's baby she agreed to let me use him for you both today".

"use him?'.

"Well I know you both have been trying to get pregnant for a couple of months now so I just wanted you to have a little glimpse at what you're getting yourself into," Lizzie said smiling "no need to thank me enjoy!" and with that Lizzie just walked out.

"And this is exactly why I thought we should tell her you're pregnant she literally brought a BABY," Hope said lifting the baby up to prove her point.

"Knowing Lizzie she would've done this either way" Josie sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

The baby started crying and Josie and Hope looked at each other with wide eyes.


Hope and Josie both looked down at the crying
squirming baby.

"Maybe he has to be changed?" Hope said over the baby's very loud cries.

Hope then smelled the baby's bottom and immediately made a gagging noise "not it" she said passing the baby to Josie.

Josie looked at her with a glare "fine.. fine".

A minute later they had the baby laid on a towel in the middle of their living room "pass the wipes" Josie said hesitantly before taking the diaper off and throwing up in her mouth a little.

"How can something so small produce a smell so foul," Hope said plugging her nose and passing the wipes.

"I don't know but get it out of here," Josie said throwing the diaper in a bag and throwing it at Hope.

Hope made another gagging noise "you did not just do that" Hope said before disposing of the diaper.


About an hour later the baby still wouldn't stop crying and Hope and Josie were utterly exhausted.

"Look buddy I'm gonna need you to give me a sign we changed your diaper you apparently aren't hungry I don't know what you want," Josie said looking at the baby who was now attempting to eat his foot while in the middle of a tantrum.

"Why am I trying to talk to a baby" she sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

"Let me try something," Hope said before picking the baby up and
holding him against her shoulders and patting his back which immediately seemed to do the trick and the baby stopped crying.

"Have I gone deaf?" Josie said looking at Hope who was smiling.

"No, I guess I'm just a baby whisperer".

"Why couldn't you have done this an hour ago," Josie said laying back down on the couch.

"Well, I didn't exactly think of it until now" Hope said joining Josie on the couch with the baby whose eyes kept closing like he was about to fall asleep.

Josie then decided to resume the movie.

A couple of minutes into the movie
Josie paused it when a thought came to her mind "what if our baby hates me-".

"What if I'm like a horrible mom who will never get their baby to stop crying and they hate me for life what if-".

Hope cut her off "you are gonna be the most amazing mom ever don't let this experience freak you out okay?".

"How do you know that"

"Because you're you, you take care of people our baby will love you".

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