Chapter 17 - Part ways

Start from the beginning


"I-I'm so-orry...." Luffy mumbled weakly. I sigh deeply and help him to stand.

"It's alright... come on now let's meet with them but first you need to apologize to them, okey?" I said to him and he nod at me and smile. I put his arm on my shoulder to support him to walk. I stop walking and he stare at me, confuse.

"One last thing luffy... you have friends luffy... you still have them.. Zoro, Nami, Ussop, Sanji, Chopper..."

Luffy bent a finger while i said the names of his comrades.

"...Robin, Franky, and Brook. You still have your crew, so don't let them go now matter what.." I finish stating the names. Man, Luffy was supposed to tell that, i don't know what is happening to me... i feel like i was really part of this world...

"Yes... i still have my friends and you... you will not leave me right??" Luffy stated looking while looking on my eyes, waiting for my answer.

I pause when he said that and just smile a little and nod. "Of course! I will not leave you..." Well i just remember that i  promise to join his crew, i feel guilty while saying that because after i finish my mission here i will go back to my world just like what Mirarin said.

"Okey! That's a promise!" Luffy was contented when he hear my replied. I just force a smile. I'm sorry luffy. I hope you will forgive me after.

After that we walk out from the forest and see the guys was waiting for us. Law and his crew was still here. Rayleigh is also here. This is... the training of Luffy will began.

"Y-n!! I'm glad you are safe!!" Rayleigh-san said in relief. "I was so shock when i see you in the live and you kick a admiral on the balls!! HAHAHAHA, that was so epic!!" I blushed so hard when he said that.

"Please don't remind me about that..." I mumbled. He just laugh and pat my head. I look at him and see like he was a father that is very proud about his child.

"Sorry, Sorry.. Again i'm glad you are safe and you saved the two brothers... even the other one is on coma...i'm so proud of you.." He said warmly. He acts like my dad... i miss dad... i hope he is doing well with mom.

"What are you doing here? I was about to follow your vivre card to go back Sabaody Archipelago. How are the others?" Luffy butt in, cutting my reunion with Rayleigh-san.

"They are not back yet." Rayleigh-san answered. "I left my Vivre card to Shakky.. if i didn't not do that... i would not be able to move around freely."

Jinbei was so shock that he was meeting a legend and he was also shock that i know Rayleigh-san.

Then, Rayleigh-san give Luffy his straw hat who wore it and said that it was not feeling right without it.

The Snakes princess sister appear with Hancock and Elder Nyon. They had a mini reunion, while Hancock was blushing like a high school girl, she is avoiding to look at luffy and then she will glared when she stare at me. Immature wench...

Hancock prepared many food for us but i know Luffy was her main priority. She even got angry when Jinbei stomach started to growl, and she said to me that i can just have an apple while jinbei will just have a little food. While the Law's crew declined and said that they already eaten even i can hear their stomach growl. Wait... they are suppose to leave, why they are still here?

Luffy stared to dig in and the others stare at him, amuse. Because they really know what is luffy favourite. Hancock got really happy at the sight. She snapped at Jimbei that he ate more than he was supposed to.

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