The Rich Man's Poor Heart

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TD: sexual prostitution

TW: sex

Today had been slow.

"Any luck?" Automedon's voice startled Patroclus. He had come out from a corner and had been as quiet as a mouse.

"No. Today has been slow. I've only had one client, and all he wanted was a handjob and for me to call him daddy. And he only tipped me three dollars!"

Automedon sighed as he sat down on the velvet love seat right next to Patroclus and passed him the cigarette he had been holding in his mouth "I know these people are starting to get greedy. Especially the men. Those fuckers can't even get a lay without paying for it!"

Patroclus puffed out the grey smoke he had been hold in "I know greedy bastards."

"No smoking!" Diomedes came over to them from where he had been picking up an ashtray from a random coffee table.

"Why not? The clients do it all the time." Patroclus said puffing out more smoke.

Diomedes rolled his eyes and waved his arms around frantically like a crazy man to disperse the smoke "Because! We are not clients! Also smoking is bad for you!"

Patroclus threw his head back laughing "Stop it won't you? You look like a crazy man! Also I know smoking is bad for you, my mother died of lung cancer."

Diomedes frowned "Then don't smoke."

Automedon always the peacekeeper took back the cigarette from Patroclus and put it out on the ashtray "Is that better?" Automedon looked at Diomedes with a raised eyebrows.

Diomedes gave a half assed answer "Yeah thanks."

"No problem. Now let's play a game of cards." Automedon had seamlessly pulled out a deck of cards, and was now waving them around.

Patroclus patted his sides "I don't have any money."

Automedon shrugged "Neither do we."

"Hey speak for yourself. Little have you known, I just came back from a good pay." Diomedes was waving around a couple twenty dollar bills.

Patroclus laughed "Don't you need that for rent."

Diomedes pulled back with raised eyebrows "Who says I pay rent?"

This time both Patroclus and Automedon laughed "O so you still live with your mother?"

"Shut up Patroclus! At least I have a mother!"

Automedon's mouth dropped a little, and Diomedes instantly regretted it. That had escalated quickly. Patroclus remained unfazed. He had heard worse, and knew Diomedes didn't really mean it.

"Yeah and I bet she's real proud of you."

"I'm sorry Pat I didn't mean to. That was wrong of me."

Patroclus just shrugged "Its fine. We where just playing around. No harm done."

Automedon looked in between the both of them before shuffling the deck of cards "Okay! Let play!" Automedon tried to break the awkward tension, and passed Patroclus his set of cards, but Patroclus gave them back to him "No I'm good I'm gonna go see what Briseis is up to."

Patroclus got up and walk through the curtain covered door way into the "living area".

Patroclus threw himself on to the old torn up brown leather couch "Hey Bri!"

Briseis shut the book she was reading "Hey Pat. Slow day?"

Patroclus sighed "How did you know?"

Briseis shrugged "Slow day for me too."

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