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Average. That was what Patroclus saw when he looked in the mirror. He felt so mediocre. So plain. Tears threaten to spill from his eyes when he hears the door open. He can see it's Achilles in the doorway. Achilles always so bright. Achilles was not plain or mediocre or boring. Achilles was so bright so perfect. Patroclus wonder why Achilles even wanted to be with him.

"Pat, are you okay?" Asked Achilles " Why are you even with me Achilles?" Patroclus asked solemnly. Achilles felt stunned by the question "Because I love you." He said coming out from the doorway and behind Patroclus who was still looking in the mirror.

They both stood there without saying anything for a second until Patroclus spoke up " But why do you love me?" Achilles didn't answer for a while and that made Patroclus's anxiety worse. " I love you because you're so smart and sweet and helpful and caring and loving and handsome and because you love me for being me." Patroclus couldn't help it anymore and all the emotions he felt came out as tears.

Achilles felt so helpless, he couldn't help Patroclus recognize his self-worth, that was up to Patroclus alone. Achilles had wrapped his arms around Patroclus's middle and pressed soft loving kisses to Patroclus's neck. " Why do you ask?" Patroclus was surprised by Achilles' question, how could he not ask, Patroclus was so average and Achilles was so stunningly outstanding. " Because I'm so plain." Patroclus felt so mediocre it was painful. Achilles was fast to speak " Oh my love you are anything but plain. You're so incredibly perfect there are no words to describe how perfect you are. I am envious of how smart you are, and how you are fast to help people in need. I love you for being you."

" Are you sure?" Asked Patroclus " I've never been surer of anything else in my life, my love." Achilles said in a sure tone.

"Just know that you can never ever do anything to make me stop loving you. I will always love you, always forever." Patroclus felt more and more reassured by every word that fell from Achilles' mouth. " Okay, I believe you." Achilles was glad to see Patroclus was feeling better.

" Now do you want to go eat lunch?" Achilles asked in a soft tone, a now reassured Patroclus answered " Yes please." Achilles smiled and said, " Okay then let's go my love."

The Song of Achilles one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon