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" Bri, you okay in there? You've been in there a while and the line I starting to get kinda long!" Patroclus hoped Briseis could hear him over the loud music and loud screams of people. "Yeah, I'll be out there in a second!" Patroclus almost couldn't hear Briseis over the loud music

"Okay, I'm out," Briseis says bursting out of the restroom looking a little green. "Are you sure you're okay?" Patroclus asks concerned " Yes but I think I'm going to head out but you stay, meet people, have fun." Briseis says as she puts her jacket on " But Briiiiii are you really going to leave me here by myself?" Patroclus asks almost childlike "Yeah but it will be fun, you were having fun." Patroclus groans "Yes but because you were here!" Briseis shakes her head "You were having fun with that one guy." It was true Patroclus was having fun with this bright beautiful blond, but they had just met and by now he was probably gone "Ughh okay I'll stay. Now leave before you get me sick." Patroclus groans

Patroclus was sitting by himself when he spotted the bright blond again he was surprised that he was still there and he even seemed bored, standing by two guys and casually taking sips of his drink. Patroclus contemplated going over to him to say hi but before he could the beautiful boy turns around and waved at him. Patroclus waves back, and before he can think to go to the boy he was heading toward him " Hello do you remember me ?" How could Patroclus not " Yes I remember you." The boy smiles which almost makes Patroclus stop breathing "Good I hoped you would and you wouldn't think I was some weirdo." Patroclus laughed " No no I remember you." The boy asks " Did I ever tell you my name?" Patroclus shakes his head " No I don't think you did." The boy looked at him for a second then said "I'm sorry I must've forgotten to. My name it Achilles." Patroclus thought that Achilles might've been the most beautiful name he'd ever heard, it fit him, a pretty name for a pretty boy. "Hello Achilles my name is Patroclus," Patroclus says gesturing between both of them. "Pa-tro-clus. I like your name it fits you." The way Achilles had said his name capturing every syllable, it was amazing, no one had ever put so much care into saying his name everyone just said it in a jumble.

"Weren't you with someone else earlier?" Achilles asked," Yes my friend Briseis but she left because she was feeling a little sick." Patroclus explains "So you're here alone?" Achilles asks "Yes, and are you here alone?" Patroclus asked directing the focus back on Achilles "Yes, but I meet up with my friends but to be honest I'm a little bored. Okay maybe like a lot bored." Patroclus laughs "Yes I thought I was the only one that thought that!" Achilles shakes his head "No apparently not." They talk back and forth for about another ten minutes until Patroclus says "Do you want to maybe go somewhere else?" Patroclus surprised himself with his boldness "Yes please it's getting unbearably boring hear." Patroclus thanked the gods that Achilles said yes otherwise he would have made a fool of himself.

"Do you want to go in my car?" Asks Achilles " Uhh yes please, my friend, she drove me here and I guess she forgot that she was my ride." Patroclus hadn't even thought about the fact that Briseis had driven them to the party and how he was going to get home until now " It's okay, and if you like when it's time for you to go back home I'll drive you. Is that okay with you?" Patroclus nodded thankfully "Yes, thank you."

Both Achilles and Patroclus were sitting in Achilles' car when Achilles asked "Is there anywhere in specific that you want to go?"  "No." Patroclus shakes his head  " There is this diner that doesn't close till 4:00 am if you want to go there?" Achilles asked, " Yeah that sounds good." Patroclus agreed.

While they wait for their food at the diner Achilles and Patroclus just talked about random things "Wait so your favorite show is Criminal Minds just because you think Matthew Gray Gubler's hot?!" Patroclus shakes his head laughing at Achilles' reasoning for his favorite show " Yes to be honest him and Aaron Taylor Johnson were my sexual awakening." Patroclus laughed at Achilles' absurdness " To be honest I'm more of a Grey's Anatomy person. And while Matthew Gray Gubler and Aaron Taylor Johnson are hot I personally think Robert Pattinson and Chris Evens are some of the most beautiful men to ever walk this earth." Achilles shakes his head " I mean they're pretty but they're not the most beautiful men alive." Patroclus quickly disagrees "Okay give me one example that's not Matthew Gray Gubler or Aaron Taylor Johnson." Achilles smirks "Okay easy. You." Patroclus felt like he was on fire everywhere, did Achilles really just say that he was hotter than Chris Evens?! Before Patroclus got to say anything in response the waiter came with their food. " Thank the gods I was starving!" Achilles says like if he didn't just seconds ago call Patroclus beautiful.

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