Me Too -part 1

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Achilles was starring again, starring at him. He was so perfect how could everyone not be absolutely utterly in love with him? Achilles wondered how people didn't simply drop at his feet. He thought it was probably for the same reason he didn't, they're scared of his rejection and the heartbreak that came with it.

"Did you hear what the teacher said?" Odysseus spoke "Hello! Achilles! What are you looking at?" Odysseus said snapping his fingers in Achilles face "O I see Achilles is starting at that pretty boy over there." Odysseus said looking in the same direction Achilles was. "I am not starring at anyone I was just spacing out!" Achilles says with a heavy blush on his face. " Yeah that blush on your face says other wise." Odysseus said in a sarcastic tone. "Shut up!" Achilles said while he try's to cover up his blush. He was indeed starring at Patroclus.

" Okay class if you want to get credit for today you will have to do this small project ." Achilles never liked science and he especially disliked talking about cells with all their parts, so when he heard Mrs.Brooks say that they will have to do a project he almost makes up an excuse to get out of class but before he could raise his hand to say he has a head splitting headache Mrs. Brooks says "Make sure that you are in groups of two, and make sure that it's not with the same person you where with last time." Odysseus moaned "Aghh we can't be together again!" Achilles looked around to see that only a couple people where left to partner up with : Patroclus (who Achilles had been looking at for quite some time) Briseis, Diomedes and Ajax."Who are you going to pick?" Asked Odysseus, but Achilles was already asking Patroclus when he looked back to receive reply. "Okay then Ajax it is." Odysseus said to himself

"Hello!" Achilles said eagerly to a distracted Patroclus. When Patroclus realized the bright hello was for him he turned to see a equally bright Achilles. Patroclus flushed at his obliviousness, and Achilles couldn't help but think it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. " Umm hello." Patroclus said awkwardly. Immediately Achilles responded "Do you want to be Partners?" Patroclus almost laughed at his eagerness "Uhh yeah sure." Patroclus said looking around at everyone else who was already all paired up.

"Ok class now that you all have partners go ahead and come and get some poster paper because we are going to be making posters about the parts of a cell and describing why they are essential to a cell." Achilles groans and made a gagging noise. Patroclus let's out a small laugh at Achilles show of dislike of the project. When Achilles heard Patroclus laugh he feels a little pride in him for being the reason.

" Okay Patroclus and Achilles you two get the nucleus." Mrs. Brooks said while handing them a black marker so they could write with.

"Do you know what the nucleus does?" Achilles asked Patroclus " Yes. Do you know what the nucleus does?" "No but maybe you can teach me ." Achilles said with a wink. Patroclus flushed an intense pink " Umm Yeah I can teach you. Okay so basically the nucleus in a cell is like the brain and it just holds all the DNA in the cell." Achilles cleared his throat " O okay so do we write that on to the paper?" Patroclus gave a short nod.

" So what do we do now?" Achilles asked, as him and Patroclus are the first ones to finish with twenty-five minutes to spare "Umm I don't know Mrs. Brooks said just to stay put and wait till the end of class."  Achilles snickers to himself "Do you want to play a game?" Patroclus looked at him confused "What in here?" Achilles laughed " Yes in here. It's like twenty questions but not really like twenty questions." Patroclus laughed at Achilles inability to explain the game " What do you mean?" Achilles responded "I mean like yes we can ask each other questions but more like if I wanted I could tell you to right something down on your arm with marker and then you'd do it. Like we have twenty chances to ask, command and dare each other". Patroclus nods " O so you mean like truth or dare." Achilles answers " O yeah I guess but you don't have to do anything you don't want to do." Patroclus nodded slightly " O okay I'll play."

" Can I go first?" Achilles asked , Patroclus gave a small yes. " Okay are you dating anyone?" Patroclus laughed at Achilles question "No." Patroclus say with a playful tone in his voice. " Really? Like really really? You're not dating Briseis?" Patroclus laughed " No I'm really not dating anyone and Briseis and me are just friends." Achilles was surprised that Patroclus hadn't accepted any of the love declarations he was sure to receive on the daily. " Okay it's my turn." Patroclus said looking at Achilles with mischief in his eyes "How many people have you dated?" Achilles laughs " Oof I don't know like half the school.  Just kidding I've only ever dated one person before." Patroclus laughed at Achilles' exaggerated response "Really I wouldn't really take you for the just one girlfriend before type." Achilles clicked his tongue at Patroclus " You know what they say don't judge a book by it's cover, and also how do you know if it was a girlfriend." Achilles said with a wink which instantly made Patroclus flush.

"Okay this is the seventeenth question-command-dare thing." Achilles says in a jumble "Okay umm here give me your arm." At first Patroclus was hesitant but then Achilles said " It's nothing bad I promise." Patroclus than gave his arm over to Achilles " Okay there!" Achilles said putting the cap back onto the marker he use to write something on Patroclus arm " What is that?" Patroclus said gesturing to the numbers on his forearm " My number so you can text and call me when ever you feel like it." Patroclus nodded and says " But how will you know it's me and  not some random creep?" Achilles nodded at him with a playful look " You're right, you should just give me your number so I know it's you." Patroclus looked at him hesitantly " Uhhhmm okay where's the marker." Achilles quickly handed Patroclus the marker and pushed his sleeve up so he could write on it " Okay there all done ." Patroclus said putting the cap back onto the marker " Maybe I'll even text you first." Achilles says with a wink.

"Okay class go back to your seats the bell is about to ring!" Mrs.Brooks yells over the class " Hey I'll text you later!" Achilles says as he started walking back to his original seat where Odysseus is sitting there waiting for him. " Who did you end up being partners with?" Achilles asks Odysseus "Fucking Ajax. I had to do all the fucking work!" Achilles shakes his head "I'm sorry you had a bad time but I had a wonderful time!" Odysseus snorts " Yeah I saw you sweet talking pretty boy over there." Achilles laughed " Guess what." Odysseus looks at him quizzically and says " I don't know what?" Achilles snickers to himself " I got his number!" He say pulling his sleeve down to show him "You only talked to him for like forty minutes and you mange to get his number. I'll say I'm impressed." Achilles shook his head " What can I say I guess I'm just that handsome and charming." Odysseus laughs " That or you're just extremely pushy. But either way you got his number."

It was the end of day and right before Patroclus was about to get into Briseis' car he heard someone yell his name. "Hey!" Achilles yelled across the parking lot walking towards him " Hello." Patroclus said walking toward Achilles. "What are you doing?" Achilles asks " Briseis is about to drive me home, why?" " O I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go and get something to eat?" Patroclus looked at Briseis almost to ask "can I go?" Briseis just rolled her eyes and nodded " See you tomorrow Pat, o and your car tomorrow!" Patroclus smiled at Briseis approval and said"Okay see you tomorrow then!" Patroclus turned to see Achilles grinning ear to ear "You ready to go then?" Patroclus nodded and Achilles let's him into his car.

Patroclus couldn't help but get butterflies in his stomach as Achilles and all his charm sat next to him in the car, he previously had known Achilles and him where in the same grade but had never really had any opinion on his existence, but now he made Patroclus blush and get butterflies in his stomach. Patroclus feels that his feelings are going to fast for the limited amount of time he's spent with Achilles.

When they arrive at a small cafe near their school they get seated and ordered.

Authors note: I know this a weird place to stop but I felt like I needed to post something and this chapter was getting a little long. Part to coming soon.

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