Don't be a jerk Pt.1

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TW:Death, murder, mentions of rape, sexual implications

Achilles was in a daze of dazes when it had all happened. Or that's what's he's going to tell the police if they get there.

"Hey, Pat do you know where the Aggies bar is? I need you to drive there, okay? I need a favor and a ride for me and... a friend." Achilles was leaning against the telephone poll in his favorite blue sweater (now a brownish purple) with his nicest pair of slacks on. He knew what he was doing looking so nice on a Thursday night, now Friday early morning. He didn't care that people where looking at him, in fact he liked it. That's the whole reason he was there, to get looked at.

"Yeah, that's a gay bar. What are you doing at a gay bar at one am on a weekday? Also who's your friend? Don't they have a car?" Patroclus voice was coated with sleep and confusion. Achilles imagined what Patroclus looked like right now on the other side of the phone; hair messy, eyes half closed, skin damp with a hot night sleep. He liked that; imagining Patroclus, he did it all the time. Like a creep.

"Nothing, nothing don't worry about it, but I do need you to give me a ride. Would you Pat? I'll be extra good next week." When Achilles didn't hear a laugh from Patroclus he said "I'm joking, but I do need a ride."

"Ok I'll be there in about ten minutes. Stay put." Everyone had always told Achilles Patroclus was to good for him, and he agreed, he was a bastard sometimes, everyone knew it; his mother, his father, Patroclus, even Achilles himself knew it. But when you know your bad in your head you learn to justify it; like a bad test grade. And who determined moral goodness? The law? One's self? Religion? Achilles always felt the law system was quite flawed, and he wasn't a good person per say, and the last time he was religious was when he prayed that he'd get into law school. He did get in, but Achilles felt that was more his doing than any god's.

"You're here great!" Achilles said with his arms stretched out.

"Achilles you're the only one here. The is bar closed. Where's your friend?" Patroclus was looking back and forth between Achilles and the empty bar.

"O yeah he's umm over there I'll show you in a second." Achilles kept his calm, there was no need to panic the man was dead already. 

"What's on your shirt? Why are you alone? It's dangerous to be alone out here." Patroclus was clearly confused and concerned for him, Achilles felt bad. Achilles rarely felt bad for the things he did, but for some mysterious reason he always felt like hell when he did something wrong to Patroclus.

"O my shirt it's nothing really. A good shirt put to waste at most." Achilles just shrugged, it was true what he was saying; his shirt, his most favorite shirt had been ruined by the blood of some random fucker.

"Okay, okay but why are you alone? It's dangerous out here by yourself." Patroclus had put his hands on Achilles shoulders. He laughed, he didn't mean to laugh, and it wasn't the right time to laugh but the irony of it all was hilarious, really.

"Wha-what, why are you laughing?!" Patroclus started to look scared, and while Achilles knew he was bad person he didn't want to be treated like one, especially not by Patroclus, no not him.

"I'm sorry that was wrong, I didn't mean to laugh. I don't know why I laughed, I shouldn't have." Achilles really did feel bad. It was something about Patroclus; that he hated hurting him.

"Yeah okay, whatever where's you friend." Patroclus was getting frustrated, that Achilles could tell, but he also seemed a little sad.

"That's the thing... he's kinda, well he's not good." Achilles knew that was complete bullshit; the man was dead. He knew that, but telling Pat that was going to be harder than killing any man.

The Song of Achilles one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant