"-what, did you think I'd always stay by your side?! So you could use me? So I could be your pet." She growled the memories of Daro's words still picking at her brain.

"W-what no... _____-"

"I do care about you. I did. But after what Tora attempted. I can no longer trust that family we had. I cant trust in you. So this is your last god damn warning, don't you dare come near my family or me ever again." _____ said.

Nadora looked at her confused. "..what did Tora do?"

"That's none of your business. Now leave before I fucking make you." Katsuki said to him.

"No. What did Tora do?!" He asked again.

_____ looked at Katsuki just taking Kyoko out of his arms to carry her.

She gave Katsuki the 'take care of him' look.

Nadora saw her walk to the door.

"_______!! WHAT DID HE DO?!"

She shut the door seeing all the workers behind it curious. She glared at them.

"Bring me my kids." She said as Ms.Rain nods walking out.

She just stood at the side of the office waiting as Katsuki walked out with Nadora  shoving him to the door.

Nadora had a painful and regretful look on his face.

He looked at ______.

Katsuki must have told him..

As Katsuki took him out Kenji and Kyori ran into the office smiling wide seeing their mother and sister waiting for them.


"Hi mama! Hi Kyoko!"

______ smiled at them as they hug her thighs.

"Hi you two, you guys alright?"

"Ya! Are we leaving school??" Kenji asked

"Mama you're really early!" Kyori giggled.

She smiles at them. "Ya papa and I thought it would be a good idea to go out. You guys want to go to the park?"



She took Kenji's hand as Kyori followed on her other side touching Kyoko's hanging foot as she giggled down at him.

She saw Katsuki watch a car drive off as she walked out with the boys.

He turned around as the boys ran over to greet him.

Katsuki looked back up at her.

"Forget about it..he won't bother us anymore." Katsuki reassured her.

"...is it weird that I feel bad..I wasn't dramatic about it right? I..it just scared me.." she said as they walked to the car the boys trying to get their parents attention.

"What!? No! Babe he broke the fucking restraining order. I get you care about him but he's not a good fucking guy. And there's no way I'd even let him near the kids." Katsuki said annoyed.

"Mama mama!"

"...did you actually tell him about Tora..?"

Katsuki looked at her as he unlocked the car.

"..Just of what he did to you and Kyori." Katsuki said.


She put Kyoko into her car seat.

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