𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

Start from the beginning

"Wait, hold up. Hold up. This is ridiculous!" Maehara started. "First off, this is school. We gotta think about grades too. I mean, c'mon! We can't go by this! When are we supposed to study-" Takaoka kneed Maehara in the stomach before he could finish, taking you all by surprise.

"Rule number one, we don't do can't," he held him up by his hair before dropping him on the ground. "Rule number two, we're a family and I'm the dad. Show me a family where dad ain't in charge and I'll show you a family in crisis. If this is too much for you, sit it out. I'll have my people at HQ send in replacements for the whole class!"

He went from teddy bear to your worst fucking nightmare just like that.

"A father loves each of his children unconditionally. The thought of losing even one 'em breaks his heart, we're gonna save the world, kids, and we're gonna do it as a family," he wrapped his arms around you and Kanzaki, since you were seated right behind her.

"Well? You're gonna do everything father tells you to, eh?"

"Uh.. I-" Kanzaki stood up, you did as well. "Actually sir, to tell you the truth. I'm not much for P.E. If I have to do it, I prefer Mr. Karasuma's class."

"Yeah, me too. Sorry but I can barely take an hour and a half of gym, no way I can do ten periods worth," you added. You figured that because you were both young women that he wouldn't do anything, but then he licked his lips.

He slapped both you and Kanzaki in the face so hard that you ended up on the ground.

"Kanzaki, (Y/N)!" Sugino and Nagisa were the first two to run to your side. Kayano arrived shortly after. Your cheek was bright red and stinging, you went to touch it but it only made the stinging worse, you let out a small 'ss' sound.

"Looks like we're having a little communication gaff. The only answer here is 'yes'. If anyone else here needs a dose of good old fashioned nonverbal reinforcement, Daddy Dearest will be happy to oblige!"

"Stop it!" Mr. Karasuma yelled.


"Did either of you twist your neck? Try moving your head from side to side."

"I'm good.." You sighed as Mr. Karasuma helped you sit up.

"I'll be fine."

"What about you?" He looked over at Maehara, who was being tended to by Okano and Isogai.

"Eh.. I'll survive.." He smiled a bit, waving his hand that wasn't holding his stomach.

"See? We're fine! Don't go getting your boxers in a wad! I'm not gonna go full throttle on my beloved fam!"

"Correct." A red tentacle pulled Takaoka by the shoulder. "Except they're not your 'fam', they're my students."

"Koro-Sensei!" You all exclaimed in unison.

"Whatever you've been filling their heads with while my back was turned, it stops now," you had never seen Koro-Sensei genuinely angry before.

"Ha. Sorry, big guy. This isn't your class. You teach your subjects, I'll teach mine. In Phys Ed, I call the shots."

You didn't listen to the rest. You were thinking about Karma, about how guilty he'd feel if he found out what had happened. You never wanted to see him like that again.

Once you, Kanzaki and Maehara were able to stand again, he made you all begin to do squats. Takaoka Was about to punch Kurahashi for 'disrespecting him' but Mr. Karasuma got there in time. Then, the deal was made. If one of you was able to even just graze him with a real knife, he'd leave. No questions asked.

"Nagisa, you're up."

"What? Wait, are you kidding?"

"That guy could freaking step on Nagisa like an ant, no offence or anything, but come on!" You didn't mean this in a bad way, you were simply worried.

Nagisa agreed to take the knife. Kayano looked the most worried out of all of you.

Nagisa was smiling, walking towards your 'gym teacher' calmly, then, when you were all least expecting it. He took out the knife, honestly, his act made you kinda forget he had it in the first place. He had Takaoka on the ground, Nagisa was behind him, his legs keeping him down while he covered his eyes, the knife resting against Takaoka's neck.

"Looks like I win." You all were speechless. "Oh wait a second, was I s'posed to use the back of my knife?"

"I'll take that, thank you," Koro-Sensei confiscated it immediately, or well, ate it..

You all ran up to Nagisa, praising him. Maehara slapped him in the face.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Sorry, uh.. I needed to make sure it was you," he wrapped his arm around Nagisa. "Sincerely, though. You're awesome! That whole ordeal was a total rush!"

You all continued talking as if Takaoka wasn't there, looking braindead on the ground. After a while the school day ended.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Come with me, your cheek still looks irritated," Nagisa said as he guided you to the nurses office. He handed you a cream.

"Thanks.. Hey, Nagisa. Do me a favour?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"Please don't tell Karma about Takaoka hurting me, I don't want him to find out."

"I thought he was 'dead to you'."

"I'm serious! Karma's not as heartless as he seems, I know he'll just end up blaming himself again. It's what he did in Kyoto. Don't tell him I told you that either!"

"Alright, alright. My lips are sealed."

"Thank you, and good job today. I'll see you tomorrow." 

As you left the building, you saw Karma waiting for you outside.

"I'm sorry for being stupid, can you not be mad at me anymore?"

"That was a good apology, honey," you said sarcastically.

"You haven't talked to me in two days for something I don't even remember! How am I supposed to apologise?!"

"If I'm being honest, I can't remember either. So apology accepted," you laughed, he sighed, holding your hand.

"What's up with your cheek? Am I making only half your face blush or something?"

"I fell, stupid. I tripped over a root in the forest. Kanzaki ended up tripping over the same one."

"Did I miss anything important?"

You began telling him all about Nagisa and Takaoka, you looked so excited while talking about it. All Karma could do was smile, he loved watching you explain things like that.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now