"[Name]!" Camilo saw you and tried to climb up after you though the floor tiles of the Casita took immediate action and pushed the rest of them out of the house. "No! Mirabel! [Name]!!" The boy stood and desperately banged the front door open once they were outside. His parents held onto Camilo's ruana. "Camilo stop!" Pepa yelled in plea.

"Casita!! Let me in!!" He kicked and pushed the door open yet didn't prevailed. Alma stood agape once she stood up with the help of Luisa, the Casita is falling and its all her fault.

You struggled trying to hoist yourself up but then you felt hands over your upper body. You looked up seeing it was Mirabel trying help you. "What are you doing?! I'm fine, just leave!" You yelled and tried to grip onto Mirabel but she was too stubborn to move. "No! I'm not leaving without you!" She shouts back as she tried to pull you out.

You noticed a crack snaked up to the highest part of the house, breaking a whole chunk of the tower. "Casita!! Protect Mirabel!!" Suddenly, you pushed her with all of your might just as the Wall behind you fall over. "No!!"

Dread washed over the shapeshifter's face as he saw most of the house toppled over and roofs surging down to the ground. "Mierde!!" He shouts in frustration.

He shouldn't have let you escaped from his grasp, he should have pulled you away once he knew something dangerous might happen. He was just a second too late to pull you closer to him. You were just a step away yet his hand didn't reached out to you. He was too busy trying to save the candle that he thought you could be safe on your own. Oh who is he kidding? Of course you won't be safe. The house is falling for god sake.

"Mirabel! [Name]!" His family called at the two once again as the dust and debris cleared out. Everything was in ruins, from the furniture down to the foundation. Camilo urgently went into the demolished house and saw Julieta holding onto Mirabel.

"Mirabel!" He called feeling a glint of hope seeing that his prima was okay. He dashed towards them and pulled Mirabel close to him. "Where's [Name]?!" He practically yelled, he didn't mean to sound harsh but the frustration had already built up inside him that he couldn't help but to worry.

"I-I.." The poor girl was dumbfounded and dazed, covered up in dust. Mirabel was too stunned to speak that she left her cousin tense up in panic. Everything was all a blur to her after you pushed her off the roof, Casita enveloped her with the remaining furniture to cover her from the falling debris. She didn't even know if you made it out in time.

"[Name] is here!!" The Madrigal boy surged his head towards the voice, it was his sister and Luisa trying to lift up a piece concrete. He immediately went to their side and began to help lift the slab of rock away, it made it hard to push the heavy rock up since Luisa had already lost her ability.

"[Name]!" Camilo instantly paled once he saw your unconscious state. Your body laid flat covered in dust and rubble whilst the piece of concrete was above you.

The boy knelt and pulled you into his lap carefully as tears brimmed onto the corner of his eyes. Blood trickled down from your forehead and scratches and wounds were evident on your body. "Tía Julieta!" He called and looked for his aunt thinking that she might help them.

He knows that their gifts are gone but he want to believe that she could still help you heal, he wanted to think that there was still hope. His eyes peered down at you once more as silent hicks slowly emits out from his throat. "[Name] wake up... please mi vida."

"Please... I'm right here..."

The Casita was rebuilt and their gifts are back, everything is back, his missing tío is back, Mirabel is back, the peace is back, just... just not you...

Its been a month since the Casita was rebuilt, a month of you still unconscious in your bed. Camilo didn't blamed anyone, not even Mirabel, of course he couldn't blame her, you only tried to save her and he was thankful enough that you did since she was equally important just as the rest of his family. But you, you more important than anyone else to him, that's why when your parents knew about your condition, he could only blame himself and himself only since he dragged you into this mess. You shouldn't have... he shouldn't have... Mierde.

The shapeshifter paced down back and forth in front of your bedroom door as he picks onto his fingernails from anxiety and nervousness. He got the news, your parents announced that you had gained consciousness but the shred of fear and guilt was still nailed into his chest that he couldn't get rid of. A thousand what if's coursing into his brain, thinking that you might not want to see him again, or or be mad at him... No! Why would you be mad at him?! Would you blame him for not saving you?! Or worse... you won't...

"Por favor, I hope not..." Camilo muttered out loud as his brows furrowed, biting his thumb and crossing his arms.

Your family, tía Julieta and his parents are inside with you, he only waited outside to let them finish so that you two could have an alone time to talk. He wanted to see you but it was already crowded inside so might as well he would have to wait a little longer.

The door suddenly opened revealing his parents and his tía. Frowns were on their faces as they noticed the shapeshifter. Something was already off about it and he wanted to know.

"How is [Name]?" He asked nervously. The adults looked between themselves as Julieta started to speak.

"Their wounds are now healed but I don't think it's the right time for you to visit, mijo." Julieta spoke quietly and softly.

"What? why?!" The boy asked confused to which he turned to his mother.

"[Name] just woke up... and... I think you should let them rest for a while, Camilo." Pepa gripped onto her husband's hand as she tried not to let her lips quiver.

This made him more confused. Why won't they let him see you? Doesn't he havs the rights to see you? Are they forbidding him? Do your parents didn't want to let you meet him? Why?

"No, I want to see [Name]." He huffed as he pushed through his parents. He had waited for so long just to see you awake. He wants to talk to you himself, hugs you, embrace you, kiss you, to hear your beautiful voice, to see your glimmering eyes once more. He wants to see you now, he already misses you.

"Camilo, No! It's not the right time!" Julieta tried to pull him out of the room but he held onto the door frame tight as he shapeshifts into a child successfully escaped from her. "No! I want to see them!"

He could see your head turn towards him to which he immediately ran up to you shifting back. "Mi vida!" The Madrigal boy called as he pulled you into a kiss.

He couldn't believe it, you're here, in his arms safe and well. For all the times he kept on visiting you day by day just to see you awake, he thank the gods for letting you live. God he missed the taste of your soft sweet lips, he could have melted there as he held you close.

"I'm so glad you're awake." He smiled as he pulled away holding onto your cheeks softly. Your eyes went wide in shock, speechless from the sudden event.

The room suddenly fell silent as a hard slap was heard. Camilo stood frozen as a red hand print was visible on his cheek, stomach dropped as the fear inside him rose up into his veins.

You stared at him with an intensive glare. "Who are you?"

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