Then there is Giovanni. He is a welder, and he works downtown in his fathers shop. It's a father and son shop actually. Pretty nice place if you ask me. They have been at it since Giovanni was 17. Dante is a nice man, and a wonderful father in law as well. And Giovanni is almost a spitting image of his father as well. That's where his good looks come from.

Giovanni is 6'3 blue eyed angle. Short cut luscious brown hair, perfectly chiseled body. And muscles that I could just die for. His smile was always breath taking with his perfectly straight pearly whites with his beautiful lips. Not to mention his wonderful tanned skin. Then there was his face, it was broad but beautiful. He was sculpted by the gods. Sometimes I wonder how I got some one like him.

To be fair, I'm nothing special. Standing at 5'6 with a medium build. I wasn't fat but I wasn't skinny. Yet I haven't been active in quite some time. My red golden locks that trail a little past shoulder length. And my green eyes that people claim to read souls. But the one thing that set weird with me and I considered to be a flaw was my skin. It was pale. I never could tan. It just didn't work for me.

We have been married for 3 years and before that we had dated for 2 years. Giovanni was my best friend, someone I leaned on for all my problems and worries. No matter what he was always there to take my problems on as his own.


I finished up at the firm a little early, it was only 1 p.m and I wasn't due home until 2 to start prepping for dinner.

So I decided to go to the grocery store with my little extra time to buy a few things for the house. When I had just made it to the milk Isle my phone started to ring.

I checked the caller I.D and it turned out to be my friend Aurora. Aurora and I go way back. 13 years to be exact. We met before high school. While she was home schooled, I went to a public school. We were opposites. But we never fought or argued. I enjoyed her company and she enjoyed mine.

"Hey Aurora , what's up? You okay?"

The line was quite for a second before she spoke "Hey Demetria, uh could I ask a major favor of you?"

She sounded nervous about what she was going to ask and even more nervous about the answer she might receive.

"Yeah shoot for the stars, what's your favor." I asked hesitantly.

"Is there any way I could crash at your place for a bit? My place got flooded last night when a pipe burst and right now I can't afford a hotel."

She stated her question so quickly it was almost a mumble. I don't understand why she would be nervous. I'm her best friend of course I would lend a hand.

"Sure Aurora, you can head over right now if you want. I'm about to make dinner , and after dinner I'll send Giovanni with you to get some of your stuff."

I really hope Giovanni doesn't mind. I'm sure he won't since he knows how close Aurora and I are.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'll be over in 20 minutes, I'll see you soon."

She sounded relived. It's the least I can do for my best friend of course. We said our good byes and I quickly hurried to get home before she did.


I was putting the rest of the snacks and such away that I got from shopping when the door bell rang.

I made my way to the front door and when I opened it , I was knocked back with the force of Aurora's hug. Lord let me tell you, she had a death grip.

"Hey chickadee no need to be so overly excited , you know your my best friend . Of course I would take you in silly"

I look at her with a huge grin on my face. Aurora was smiling just as big as me but with a few tears in her eyes.

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