A fourth soldier picked Raven up, trying to subdue her. She folded her lower body up, then kicked her legs down and threw her attacker forward. Her dagger snagged on his suit as he lost his balance, leaving Raven with only her handgun left. She shot the fourth soldier who attacked, bringing him down, but she wanted to get her bow back.

She turned and saw the soldier who had taken it earlier on their feet. He didn't look willing to give it back. Fine, Raven thought, and she flipped her knife into a traditional hold before throwing it straight into his eye. She ran, jumped, and planted her feet squarely on the soldier's face before flipping backwards. The soldier dropped her bow, and Raven caught it just in time to draw another arrow and shoot the second soldier one more time.

The lack of noise around her told Raven that Natasha and Sharon had already taken care of their targets. Raven walked over to the vehicle and opened the door, but the car was empty. The door on the other side was open. Turner had made a run for it.

She looked around. Turner was trying to get past the wreckage of the front car without getting hurt, but Raven wasn't going to let that happen. She tried to use her pistol, but the clip was empty again. She dropped it, using her bow instead. Raven didn't have shockwave arrows left and explosive arrows would do too much damage, but she had taser tips left. She drew one of those, aimed for the back of his head, and let the arrow fly.

Her aim was true. Turner spasmed and fell to the ground, rendering him immobile. Sharon, who was closer to the exit, ran over and dragged him away from the wreck before his clothes accidentally caught fire.

Lowering her bow, she took a moment to breathe. Finally. It had taken weeks, but she finally had Damian Turner where she wanted him: out of the game. CROS would follow suit once they realized their leadership was defeated.

The first thing she did? Look to Natasha.

Natasha walked out from around the car, rubbing her shoulder. When she saw the scene laid out before her, she paused to take it in. For some reason, Raven knew it wasn't the bodies on the ground that made her hesitate. After all, when was the last time she had seen someone standing after a fight, bow in hand?

They didn't have time to remember, so Raven spoke. Her voice would ground Natasha. "We good over there?" She knew they were, but it was the first thing she thought of.

Natasha met her eyes, face even. Her daze was gone. She nodded, then glanced again at the mess. "Nice work."

She scoffed. "All this to get at one asshole in a suit," she muttered.

"Better than going on the run," Natasha reminded her. "People don't like it when politics figures get assassinated."

"So instead we send the White House into lockdown, deal out significant property damage, take out hundreds of their soldiers and lose some of our own?"

The Black Widow smirked. Raven knew that she understood, and probably better than anyone else alive. If there was a good reason for all of this, she would have thought of it. It seemed that she had: "We make calls on the mission. Others decide what the mission is. It's a power balance."

"Might be worth a conversation, though," Sharon piped up from next to Turner. Natasha and Raven walked over while she went on. "The director is an ass sometimes, but he'll listen. Especially if you work with whoever got you this intel."

Raven nodded, shrugging. "Sure. I can work myself."

"This was you?" Natasha asked, staring down at Turner. "How long have you been working on this?"

"The whole time," she explained briefly. "Long story."

Well, she knew plenty about that. Natasha set her jaw. "In that case, will he listen to you?"

"Let's find out." Crouching down, Raven ripped the taser arrow off of Turner's head and rolled him over so he could see the three of them.

He gasped, going limp as his nervous system tried to regain control. Once Turner could think again, he was met with the three SHIELD agents he had done everything to avoid.

Raven met his stare. "Call off the attack."

To his credit, his bravado remained uninjured. "You think this is over? You may have captured me, but the movement is alive. My people will defend their King."

"What? You?" Raven asked, sneering and picking at his distressed jacket. She thought for a moment, then pulled the Chitauri fang out of her belt. "You couldn't even protect yourself. Why should they believe that you can protect the world?"

Turner's eyes went wide. He looked around and saw the CROS agents strewn across the garage, all limp and unconscious if not dead. He ground his jaw, then lunged at Raven in a last-ditch attempt.

She hooked her bow around his neck, swung around, and choked him with the handle. "Give it up, Turner," she growled, and Natasha and Sharon aimed their guns at him as extra incentive. "Lose the fight or lose your life. Pick your poison."

Natasha glanced at the ground and saw Turner's communicator, which had fallen out of his pocket. She reached down and grabbed it, holding it out in front of the Vice President. "Last chance, Turner."

He seethed at her, then flitted his eyes to Sharon as well. He managed to choke out a word: "Traitors."

"Don't act so surprised," Sharon belittled him. "You dug yourself into this hole."

Activating the communicator, Natasha held it slightly closer to Turner. He tried to free himself from Raven's grip, but she only pulled her bow tighter across his neck. He screamed, and in the end, he finally caved:


Agent Raven of S.H.I.E.L.D. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now