Zionaiah had contemplated many days before deciding to create werewolf's. Half human and half wolf. Yet we're born to live in pacts such as wolfs did. Also she knew that pacts were considered family. No one ever got left behind. So she chose to make a family out of them, a family she never got the chance to have. Plus the wolf lived by the moon. The same moon she was now the goddess of. The gods were quite fascinated with her idea. Eagerly cheering her on.

However , Zion him self spent weeks contemplating what he would create. Not long after, he had decreed that he wanted to create Vampires. People who lived by the night. Yet feasted on the blood of tainted souls. Specifically people who were evil, who he didn't believe to deserve a spot on this earth. His reasoning was also that of their fathers doings. The gods had tried to counter his choice and convince him to make a species more worthy of life. Zion didn't agree. He had built perfection in his eyes. He would not simply change them. Not for any one, no matter who they were. So the gods has to turn a blind eye, as they could see that they couldn't sway his decision .

So Upon the creation of the two species the twins had constructed. They had realized that their creations were not the only ones to live upon the earth, but witches as well. Humans were always a given so they built their creations around them. So they come together with the god of the sun, since she was the creator of witches. They did so To keep the peace between the creations. They all contemplated for a week until They had come to a decision. That decision was to create the Moon Table. The moon table was set in place to keep the peace between the 3 created species hand crafted by gods to their standards of perfection. The 3 gods who had created the species, had also hand picked several members to be apart of the moon table.

For Each species had 3 leaders of the moon table. As the species had also come from different nationalities. There for they spoke different languages, as well as have separate intentions. The werewolf's started In Italy. The vampires started in Russia, and last but not least, the witches started in America. Due to such variety of nature. They decided to put in place a person to translate, and see through everyone's intentions. They were known as the "seekers" but the power was called the knowing. Any one who possessed the power, would be able to see through everything. If they lied, or kept their true intentions secret, all the way down to how they felt. A seeker knew it all, and there was nothing you could
Keep from them. The Seeker was placed mostly for the best interest of the moon table, and those who occupied it. Also, the knowing is a power that only a witch could pertain. At the time, there were only 2 seekers known to exist. The first seeker was apart of the original first 50 witches that had ever been created. The other seeker was a younger witch. But a good one at that. She was more than willing to oblige.

The moon table would create treaties , open trades and much more. As the witches had been around for 50 years, and the werewolf's and vampires were a new creation. So 50 vampires and 50 werewolf's were created at first. In order to let the species establish a way of life before growing in numbers. Although the twins had high hopes for their creations to self sustain and keep peace with the other creations. For many years to come there would remain only peace between them. Yet as some 1000 years had passed, the creations began to defy the gods. They had committed treason in the gods eyes. The species began to fight over land, food, and resources. Then the fight began to falter. And the creations began to dismantle the possibility of war at hand. That was until, the vampiric king wanted more power. Yet only the king wanted the power. He did nothing that would be fruitful or beneficial for his people. When he did anything, it was always in his best interest, and never any one else. The people got tired of his carelessness and selfishness. But there was nothing they could do. So his people had prayed to the gods to de thrown the king. He had went power mad, and felt everything should belong to him. While they were to suffer.

The gods were not permitted to step into the conflict. But they could not let the matter go. They wanted to help their creations, So each of the 3 gods came to their people in their dreams. They gave them the information and a good idea on a way to pull everyone together to de thrown the king. They planned to lock him away in the Gods dungeons that were located in none other than the underworld. The people had done all they could. The took every chance, every piece of advice and continued to try and de thrown the vampiric king. But their efforts did not pay off. Eventually the people had gave up, hoping that one day some one would save them from their nightmare.

20 more years of wars raged between the species and the vampiric king. It had taken that long for the gods plan to come into play. They had created a child , one that was very special. As the child was made up of parts of every creation. The sun goddess also gave her the power of the Seeker. To insure her safety, and success of the mission. It took the last 20 years for the child to grow into her full potential, train and adapt to her powers. It had to happen before she would be powerful enough to engage in war with the vampiric king. When her time finally had come, she stepped forth as the savior of the creations. She did everything she could, she fought with every last breath in her. By the end of the war, the vampiric king was sedated, and severely beaten. On the other hand, the Child had died. She laid her life down for the better of the creations. They mourned the loss of their savior, but we're grateful to have fought along side her. After the smoke cleared and the dust had settled, the vampiric king was thrown into the gods dungeons located in the underworld. To never see light again. As he was pure evil. He did not deserve to walk amongst the others. This leads us to today. Where the creations have coexisted for the last 1000 years. Little did they know know that everything was going to change. All within one prophecy. The prophecy Known as " Enemy number one."


The prophecy has been spoken of among the Moon Table for years. They had watched and waited.  The Prophecy says

"He who has fallen, will rise again. He will search to destroy all within. The creations of the gods must yield or die. But theirs a child who could save their life's. One who is special, who contains all 3.
Wait to find out, you will see. The child will save the world as we know it, it will  bring peace and love to those who deserve it. The Child will die by the end of the war. No matter what, it's inevitable. For the child will bring peace to all creations. And silence the King, forever in damnation. The king will fall, and all will find peace. The war is coming, stay on your feet."

Little did they know, the prophecy was upon them.
My name is Demetria, and this is my fucked up story.

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