Consequences by Camila Cabello

Room, dark. Curtains closed. Clothes scattered all over the floor. Bed filled with suitcases, sketch books, paint tubes, brushes, tablet, laptop and a box of unfinished pizza. Wardrobe and dresser almost empty. Same goes for the kitchen cabinets and fridge.

If one didn't know better, it might have looked like the apartment was robbed. It looks like a total mess. And so does Jungkook.
Sorry, correction: he both, FEELS and LOOKS like a total mess.

He hadn't had the time or want to take a look at himself in the mirror since he came back from Autumn Leaves, but he's pretty sure he looks like a frog right now with swollen, blood shot eyes.

Jungkook hurriedly stuffs his last suitcase with unfolded clothes, and suddenly collapses on his knees only to break into sobs. He feels so, SO stupid right now. To think his, any kind of decision would ever effect Jimin. He was so wrong.

Jimin never cared.

*1 hour ago*

"So........... you're not a broke grad student with the job of an RJ, but actually the heir of the largest video game designing company of Asia?" Jimin speaks up after a long drawn silence and shivers travel down Jungkook's spine.

It's been a while since he last saw the man. Last spoke to him, face to face. But it also has been quite a while since he last heard that cold voice of his. He thought he was finally in the list of people with whom Jimin wouldn't use his stone, cold, emotion less voice after 2 years now. Guess he was wrong.

"Yes." Jungkook manages to croak out, confused with why his voice feels so hoarse right now, or why there's an indistinctive throbbing at the back of his throat.

"And you're leaving for Osaka........... In 3 days?" Jungkook fails to notice Jimin clenching his fists inside his pockets. The red, paper ribbon around the spare key of his apartment crumbling from how tight he's squeezing it.


'Don't go!'

"I see..... Okay. Good for you. Good luck with your-"

"Jimin.............. Do you have nothing else to say? To me? About me leaving?" At this point Jungkook doesn't even care about how desparate he sounds or looks. When he said, he had no reason to stay- he wasn't screwing around. But only if Jimin could give him one.

'Give me something Jimin. Anything!'

'That is not all I want to say'

"Not really....." Jimin chimes up before getting off the bar stool by the counter and heading towards the back room to take off his apron. "OH! But some of your rings are still lying around my dresser." He continues, refusing to meet Jungkook's eyes. "Do you want me to bring them tomorrow? Or you could come and-"

'You always said you wanted us to take a step forward so I wanted you us to be a little more than we were, on your birthday.'

"Jimin are you for real?" Jungkook finally snaps and raises his voice making Jimin flinch. But it still somehow, sounds broken. He doesn't need to turn around to know that Jungkook must be trying to blink back his tears right now. "For 2 years..... 2 GOD DAMN YEARS......we were....we were by each other's side..... And now that I'm leaving for good, you have nothing to say apart from the fact that my rings are on your dresser?

Did I ever mean anything to you? Ever?"

'I wish you didn't. But you do.'

Jimin wants to tell Jungkook he's wrong. Of course he meant something to him. He was like the first flower bud of spring after a long, ruthless winter. He wants to scream. Something. But he can't, and doesn't know exactly why. So he just keeps shut.

"You know what? Keep them. Not like it would mean anything to you, because I doubt you would even care- But I would like it if you keep them around, try and remember me at times.
I'll be visiting Taehyung, so it's not like I'll never be back. Give them to me if you actually even for a second thought that I meant something............... OR you can just throw them away if you want-"


"-I should leave."

"Jungkook wait-" Jimin doesn't get to finish as Jungkook walks out in a hurry and slams the door close with a loud BAAM on his way out. And Jimin finally breakdowns into tears as he slides down against the door.

Jungkook unloads all his stuff from the trunk of his car and gets ready to carry them inside to Jeon mansion, in Hannam when a pair of familiar hands grab the largest of his suitcase.

"I can take it hyung-"

"Jungkook. I'm not Dad. Don't try to fool me." Jungkook's older brother, Wonwoo speaks up as he starts leading the way in.

"Dad's not home. He's off to his friend's place. So let's crack open a bottle of wine from his collection like we did during college days.

You look like you have something to get off your chest."

"Hyung are you not at all angry about the fact that for 3 years I didn't keep in touch and pretended you didn't exist?"

"Well, yes. I was sad. But when I heard you on the radio and  saw your piece of work in SNU exhibition, I also felt very proud.

You were out there doing your thing, so bravely. And it made me happy to be your brother. I could never do that."

"So are you disappointed that I came back?"

"Might be a little selfish. But I'm actually happy you're here. There's still 2 hours left....... So happy birthday baby brother. Welcome home!"

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