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Inside out by Camila Cabello

Which grown ass man would ever take another grown ass man to an amusement park on their first date? Most definitely, Kim Taehyung does. And judging the bright sparkle in Hobi's eyes, he can say he didn't make a mistake.

"Are you having a nice time?" Just to be sure. Because let's be honest here. It's no secret how many times Taehyung have been dumped. He can't help but be cautious.

"Having a nice time? HECK, I feel like I'm back to my teenage!" Hobi exclaims taking a big bite of his apple candy. "Which is a good thing." He immediately reassures when Taehyung's eyes go wide. "Because, who doesn't want to go back in time..... I'm loving it."

Taehyung exhales a sigh of relief. "Thank God. I thought I messed up, bringing someone older than me to an amusement park on date." He bows his head down staring at his combat boots like he never saw one before. A silly smile on his face, a little pink on his cheeks, and- DEAR LORD! Hobi is THIS close to pouncing on him.

Hobi thought he always had a thing for sadistic bad boys, but somehow Taehyung's cute side is making him feel like he's floating. And he definitely isn't complaining.

"A word of advice from me, a person who has been their fair share of dates which is kinda a lot-
First. Honey, you don't need to worry about where you take them, when you take them, as long as you look like THAT" Hobi specifies making an imaginary circle in front of Taehyung's face, ending with a poke in the middle of his chest.

"And second, every other person would take their dates to either a lavish, 5 star, expensive as hell restaurant. Or a rowdy, sensual bar filled with neon lights and screaming sex.
But you, my friend, are different. That counts as a solid first impression. I mean anyone would already be simping hard the moment they walked in that amusement park gate."

"Are you though?"

"Sorry?" Now this catches Hobi off gaurd. He turns his focus away from his apple candy to look at Taehyung who's already staring at him. As if looking deep in his soul through those big, dark orbs. And Hobi gulps.

Hobi always had a thing for pretty boys too. But now that he about just 2 fingers away from Taehyung's face, he finally can accept that all the guys he's date or even come across at random- are absolutely nothing compared to him.

'Is it  just me? Or did he get even more handsome than the last time I saw this motherfucker?'

"You said, anyone would be simping hard. So I asked, if you fall under the jurisdiction of the 'anyone'...."

Hobi can tell from the way Taehyung's rubbing the back of his neck that he's already dying out of embarrassment and wants to be swallowed alive by the ground. Reading Taehyung isn't tough. He's a typical tsundere through and through, which Hobi has seen many.

But the fact that, despite of the embarrassment, Taehyung won't break his eye contact with him, is what has him swooning. Any other tsundere won't do that. Taehyung's special. And maybe he's being too narcissistic but DAMN social standards.

'He must REALLY like me'

"How about you find it out yourself in the Ferris wheel?" Hobi whispers to Taehyung leaning a little closer to his face and enjoys the way the soul leaves his body.

He doesn't give Taehyung a chance to speak up as he grabs his hand and starts pulling him towards the Ferris wheel.

Taehyung thought he could do it. He really REALLY, thought he could do it. The Ferris wheel. Yes, it's FREAKING tall but, it was with Hobi after all. He can stand the height, it's no big deal-

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