13. You're Going to be My Good Girl, Aren't You?

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"I just don't know what to do about Stephen." She sighs.

"Right." Becca lets out a deep breath. "Do you think he'd... hurt you? I always thought he was more the all- bark-and-no- bite type of guy. I mean, look at the way Claire carries his balls in her purse—"

"Becks, I know you're trying to make me feel better but—"

"I know, I know, I know. Okay. Right. Let me think for a second." She says. This is followed by a long pause, what feels like an eternity before either of them speaks again. "Let me talk to Paul. I'm sure he's got some connections we could set you up with, starting with a lawyer. That's what you should always do first, right? Lawyer up."

"Jesus." Sam mutters under her breath, rubbing her forehead. "How am I going to even afford that?"

"That's not something you're going to worry about. Like I said, Paul has connections. I mean, we just had dinner a few nights ago with the attorney general. We'll take care of it, okay?" She says sincerely. "I'm more worried about your safety. What's the plan? Are you staying with Henry or should I get the guest room set up for you?"

She feels an immediate gratitude towards her friend. What would she do without this woman? Becks has always been there for her. Of course she would be here now. "I'm going to stay here for a bit, I think."

"If you say so. Just please keep me posted."

"I will."

"Oh, and what am I to tell Cody? I've been dodging his calls all morning. He knows better than to show up here, doesn't he?"

"Don't worry about him. I'll talk to him."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah. Maybe I'll just say we went upstate to see your parents. I needed time to clear my head or... or maybe it's my time of the month and I'm feeling really emotional or just need some girl time? I don't know, I'll think of something."

"When you do, let me know so I can keep up my half of the story."

"Will do."



"Take care of yourself? Everything's going to work itself out. Eventually. Just try to... take this time with Henry. Don't do that thing where you make yourself sick with worry. It's not a good look and gets in the way of all that dicking down you're sure to have." She can hear the smile in Becks voice as she says this last part.

They laugh together and then share their goodbyes, with Sam promising to keep her updated and vice versa. After the call ends, she types out a text to Cody. We're staying with Becca's parents. I just need some girl time. There's not much service up here so I'll call you when I can. She hits send before she can over analyze it. It should be enough. Since when does he care where she is or what she does? If she recalls correctly, he's supposed to be flying out to Japan this weekend anyways. Once the text shows as delivered, she puts her phone on do not disturb. There's only one person she needs to speak to and see right now.

She decides to shower, letting the cold water rinse off last night's sleep. Once she's out of the shower, she dries off and goes to retrieve some clothes from her bag. She settles on a lavender sundress, opting for a pair of silk white panties. She brushes through her long waves of brown hair, applies a few coats of mascara and then paints her lips pink with some lipstick after brushing her teeth.

After she's finished freshening up, she steps out of his room, looking down the hallway for just a brief moment. Four doors, including the guest bedroom she slept in not too long ago. Then she heads downstairs. The moment her bare feet hit the stone of the landing, the front French doors open just then. In enters a heavily panting Red, who makes a beeline for her water dish in the kitchen. Henry follows behind her, wearing nothing but a pair of black gym shorts and some Nikes. His upper body glistens with sweat. It's like she can see every muscle bulging underneath his skin. His golden curls sit on top of his head, shining like a halo. His cheeks are flushed and he's not wearing his glasses. It's enough of a sight to make her heart palpitate. When is she going to get used to seeing him? It's like every day he becomes more and more gorgeous to her.

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