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*Dean's POV*

Dean watched as Rose held Sam's dead body, her tears visible as they fell from her eyes and onto him. She's been like that for the past 15 minutes, and when Bobby and Taron tried to pull her away, she screamed at him to back off. Rose hardly screamed at anyone in that matter, but with what happened not too long ago, Dean couldn't blame her. Sam was gone, and there was nothing they could do to bring him back.

Are you sure there is no way?

The idea kept coming up in his mind, but Dean was still hesitant. He knew how upset Rose would be when she finds out that Dean traded his soul to save Sam, yet all Dean could think about was the life Sam and Rose could have, and the only thing he had to do to make sure they had that life was to make the deal.

His decision was final. Dean grabbed the Impala keys and began to walk out the door. "Dean?"

He turned around to see Rose looking at him, tears streaming down her face and her eyes looking red. It pained him so much to see her like this, so Dean knew that he had to do this, not just for his sake but for Rose's as well. "I'll be right back," he said, "I just...need to clear my head."

"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked.

Even through her pain, Rose still wanted to look out for everyone. Dean doubted his decision a little bit but he quickly pushed it in the back of his mind. "No I just...need to be alone," he said.

Thankfully, Rose did not question it or try to insist she come along. Her attention was back on Sam and Dean quickly got out before he changed his mind.

He put the keys in the ignition and the Impala roared to life. Iron Maiden's "The Number of the Beast" came on the radio, making Dean scoff. Fate really had a good sense of humor, didn't it?

Dean tuned the music out and began to think about the past few months. His mind went to Rose and Sam, smiling at the memory of watching them finally get their heads out of their asses and start their relationship. Little did they know, Dean did a lot more than take the credit cards and the Impala with him that forced them to talk to each other. The condoms Sam found? Yeah, Dean left them in a visible place on purpose. He knew that they wouldn't be able to keep it in their pants long enough. When Rose was a teenager and began to notice boys and girls, Dean saw the way she looked at Sam, and it was the same way most girls Dean's age would look at him. He also saw the number of times she gawked at Sam whenever he would dress to impress for a case.

Dean wasn't stupid. He knew that Rose wanted Sam in that sense, and he knew his little brother felt the same way. He didn't realize it went as far as falling in love, though. That part caught him a little off guard.

"Sam...he's been through too much and if I tell him that I'm in love with him, it'll just end in disaster and ruin everything!"

Except it didn't ruin everything. In fact, they actually became better hunters and partners once they finally gave in to their feelings. These past few hours may have been like a disaster, but Dean will not let it be the ending. They still had a chance, unlike him.

Once he reached the crossroads where he met the one demon, he began to call out for him (or her. He hoped that it would be a hot chick demon he would have to kiss to seal the deal).

"Oh come on! Show your face already, you bitch!"

And just like that, a woman appeared right in front of him. She grinned the moment she locked eyes with Dean, making him a little sick to his stomach.

"Dean, it is so, so, good to see you," she said, "I mean it. Gone and got your family killed. All alone in the world. Well...there's always that little girl you love so much...Rosemarie, I think it was? You know, though, she's always going to choose to be a little whore for Sammy boy over you being her big, 'badass' brotherly figure, right?"

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