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*Sam's POV*

Helen wounded up coming sooner than expected, and Sam couldn't help but let out a chuckle when he saw the older woman do a double take and call Dean "such a handsome young man."

He may have acted a little weirded out, but Sam knew Dean was a little flattered.

Rose took Helen to the side to talk to her about the plan, so Sam figured it was a good chance to talk to his older brother before he left with his girl.

"Hey, you sure you got this, man?"

"Don't worry about me," Dean said, "I got this. I can just dream up some pretty women if things get too rough."

Sam rolled his eyes. Of course Dean was stoked about being able to control his dreams. He wanted to get laid there as well.

"Besides, worry more about Rose. I think she's still a little tense up about this."

"I know, but she's only tense because she's worried about you," Sam said, "She thinks something may happen to you, that the demon is going to get into your head."

The older brother just shook his head and sighed. "She worries too much about me. Feels like I'm being suffocated by two worry warts."

Sam just scoffed, knowing that Dean was never going to accept the fact that people were worried about him. Rose was just like Sam in that sense when it came to worrying about those she cared about, except she doesn't push Dean into talking as much as Sam does.

He knew why she was worried. In her eyes, Dean was the only family that she has at the moment. Sam noted the way the two of them interacted with each other, and it was exactly like an older brother talking to his little sister.

It didn't bother Sam that Rose had a close relationship with Dean. He was actually glad they had each other as friends. Plus, their interactions were much different that Sam's interactions with her, so he had no reason to feel insecure or jealous.

He trusted her, and from their little encounter in the bathroon, that was enough for him to know she trusted him just as much.

Sam turned to Rose, watching her speak to Helen. He didn't know exactly what she was saying, but he wasn't looking to overhear what was being discussed. He just wanted to look at her and memorize every detail of her. This wasn't the first time he's done this and has been caught numerous times by Dean, making jokes saying, "Take a picture. It'll last longer."

Sam, at first, didn't understand why he felt the need to look at Rose the amount of times he did, but after Dean said to worry more about her, he realized it was because he already was. Any second, she could be snatched away from Sam, whether it be by death or if she had enough of this life. He wanted to make sure he knew every possible detail of her face, a moment where she is just content. The last thing he wanted was to only remember her face in pain or in distress, something that is unfortunately engrained in his brain but with Jessica's face.

Guilt took over his mind when he thought about Jess again. Sam tried really hard not to think of her as much as he had Rose now, but every now and again his thoughts betrayed him. The last thing Sam wanted was to make her feel like a rebound or a second option despite her constant reassurance that she never feels that way as she knew how much Jess's death traumatized him.

Still, the self doubt was hanging over Sam, and he wished he could put more of his focus on her.


Her voice snapped him out of his train of thought as he noticed that she was now standing right in front of him. Her eyes were full of concern as she held her bag along with Sam's.

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