Bad Moon Rising

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This chapter deals with the topic of s*icide. Viewer discretion is advised. If you or someone you know is in need of help, call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or text the Crisis Text Line (Text HOME to 741741)

A couple of beers and a few slices of pizza later, Dean was passed out.

The three of us spent almost the whole night talking like kids at a sleepover.

Sam and Dean talked about where their journey led them, and when they said they went everywhere....they meant everywhere.

I caught them up on what happened the past few years in hiding and talked a bit about what happened to my parents. After I turned 18, they were killed by a demon who, along with other demons in hell, made its primary mission to track down any psychic born individual, stating that a "war was coming soon" and didn't want them standing in the way. They knew the psychic community is a close ally to the hunters and that we would do whatever it takes to stop the incoming war...whatever that "war" is.

My parents knew about this as one psychic (who was a friend of them and a mentor of mine) told them that there was a huge target on my back, and they will not rest on the night of the attack until I was found and killed. They both locked me in my bedroom when I was asleep, soaked my door with holy water and put salt by the door cracks. They performed an exorcism, but the demon got the upper hand.

When I got up the next morning, it was a blood bath. The demon, however, was nowhere to be found. I spoke to the medium shortly after that, who managed to survive the attacks from the demons, and they told me that my mother managed to finish the exorcism, which is why the demon was gone.

After telling more of my adventures in Europe, trying to trace my family history, Dean passed out at about one in the morning. This left just Sam and myself still awake, which would've been fine if I didn't start to REALLY notice how attractive he has gotten since I last saw him.

I've always thought he was attractive when we were teenagers, but...he's gotten a lot more muscular, and compared to the baby face he had a while back, he REALLY looked like a man up close. I know hunters need to stay in shape,'s so distracting, especially since I never really got over my crush on him.

Thankfully, the alcohol kicked in nicely, so while these...interesting thoughts crossed my mind, I was able to keep my cool.

As time went on, I realized that I was stalling from telling Sam what I've caught at the airport. He had a right to know, but from all those years I've known him, Sam has always been emotional and could easily be frustrated when something that's unexplainable to him and all of us comes up. That or if someone he cares about was in danger because of their actions.

Finally, after discussing with him about my powers and his powers, I've decided to finally tell him.

"Actually...I've been pushing off telling you this....thing....all night."

He gave me a look of confusion, something that he does a lot. "What?" he said, "What is it?"

I sighed. "Okay so...the reason I asked you to check in so Dean and I could talk is...well it had to do with you. I wasn't sure about talking to you about this, but......."

I trailed off, not sure how I was going to say this next part. I just thought screw it and started to say it.

"Sam....Dean told me what your father said before he passed." I looked over at him to read his expression. He looked a little stunned but I knew that was his poker face.

Damn this gift he has. I hate not being able to know how he's feeling.

I told him everything. The darkness that lingers over Sam and the lightness trying to protect him, the fact that I could not pick up on his emotions...everything.

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