Come As You Are

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We were back in the Impala, slowly approaching the Brown family home once more. I told Taron everything, including how strong my abilites were and the reaction I had when we first went to the house.

While he didn't know all the details of the Brown family, one of the older mediums did know a bit about who they were, so I contacted them to get the rundown.

Melissa Brown is a medium, but her abilities were not what caused the reaction as the elderly medium stated that her abilities were just seeing ghosts and sensing demons. She didn't have special abilities like some of us did.

Melissa was an active member of the community, and later in her life she married a man named Brian, who wasn't a medium. He was an ordinary man who lived a pretty simple life, but I was told the connection he had with Melissa was extraordinary. They both truly loved each other and he was okay about Melissa having the abilities she had.

Unfortunately, the demon got to him before it got to Melissa, the same attack that killed my parents and hundreds of other mediums. Brian died protecting the love of his life, and Melissa was never the same after that.

She shut herself out of the community and stayed with her kids (a son and a daughter). Rumors began to circulate the community, with some believing that the death of Brian triggered both of her childrens' abilities and that she had to keep them from the outside world to train them. However, her kids were soon back at school, and when some local mediums tried to contact her, they never got an answer.

They tried to ask her kids, but all they got was, "We didn't get any abilities." That wasn't possible, though. Even if one of the parents was not a medium, all the children of a medium will have abilities.

Approaching the Brown house, I noticed that the strong energy I felt earlier was gone. That means whoever has these strong abilities is no longer in the house. The only energy I could sense was from a medium who did not have strong abilities.

That must be Melissa.

"Strong energy is gone," I said, "But just in case someone comes back, stay here so we can bolt."

Dean pulled over a few houses away so we won't get questioned. Before I headed out, Sam quickly stopped me, pulling me in to a small embrace.

"Be careful. Get out of there the moment you feel any danger approaching."

I nodded. "I will. Trust me, I don't know what this person is capable of and the last thing I want is to put either of you in danger."

Dean cleared his throat, causing Sam and myself to look at him. "Hate to...spoil the moment here but we are on a time crunch."

"Right," I said, pulling away from Sam. He gave me a little look of disappointment as I knew he wanted to kiss me before I went into the house, but Dean was sitting right in the front seat, and it just felt weird kissing his little brother right in front of him.

I looked over at Dean. "You see anything before I do, honk the horn."

"Ma'am yes ma'am," Dean said, giving me a little salute.

I just rolled my eyes and walked over to the Brown house. I looked behind me to see that Sam got into the passenger seat of the car, keeping an eye on me while Dean kept looking around the area to make sure no one appeared out of nowhere.

When I reached the front doorstep, I rang the doorbell. I was nervous as I didn't know how Melissa was going to react with a random medium at her doorstep, but she was the only lead we had.

The door opened and there she stood, bags under her eyes, looking like she hasn't gotten sleep for the past almost 4 years. I felt so bad for her, and I remember being in her exact position not too long ago.

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