Dream Police

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We drove to the police station, not wanting to waste any time. We needed to find out this officer's name and where he lived before more people get killed. There is a good chance that he didn't even know he was carrying the shadow person, so we at least had to warn him and see if we can perform the ritual to banish them.

Daylight was coming, and there was a good chance that there will be officers at the station really soon, so we had to hurry. The plan was to get the file of the officer that helped me and Dean in order to find out his name and where he lives. Hopefully it won't be too late.

"Should we call Seamus?" Sam asked.

"Not until we can fully confirm that this officer is being used by the shadow people," I said, "I may be really certain that I'm right in this, but we need the official confirmation."

"How are we gonna confirm it if he doesn't realize that he's the host?" Dean said.

"He may not know that he's the host, but maybe he noticed something out of the ordinary, like him finding his keys in one area when he swears to God he did not put it there. There's also the possibility he's been having nightmares involving the shadow people."

"What would those nightmares entail?" Sam asked.

"They vary, but usually it's seeing a figure that's completely dark. Some have glowing eyes, while others don't and it's just a complete blank. There's also the possibility that he could've seen the hat man, which is what many humans report seeing when it came to shadow people."

We drove a bit more, Dean hitting the gas hard while Sam stayed in the backseat with me. We had no time left to waste. The sun was starting to rise a bit and we couldn't afford to wait until daybreak to get the files. This entity had to be stopped.

"So, kid...how do you know so much about these shadow people? Personal experience?" Dean asked.

I chuckled a bit. Though the events were scary at the time, I couldn't help but laugh at what happened. "You can say that. So...when I was about 16, still in hiding, my powers were somewhat under control but not entirely. I had my teenage rebellious moments and well...that sometimes resulted in negative energy being manifested. Because we were in Salem and that city is so haunted, the shadow people there probably sensed the negative energy and latched themselves onto the area."

"So you got all this information...because your hormones weren't kept in check?" Dean joked.

"Oh, shut it. Like your hormones were completely normal," I said.

"Anyways, how did you manage to get rid of them?" Sam said, trying to stop me and Dean from yet another bantering session, "Did you counteract with the positive energy?"

"I tried, but I haven't learned how to get that strong. We ended up performing a ritual, banishing them from the hide out."

"Well, at least you got the practice in, kid," Dean said, "Now all that's left is putting it to good use."

We finally reached the police station, the sun still taking it's time to creep up in the skies. Dean placed the Impala somewhere close but not too close to the station and we immediately got out of the car. I tried to see if I could trace any living being, and luckily there was no one in the station yet. "We're safe to break in," I said, "I don't sense anyone in there."

"We gotta power down the place first," Sam said, "There's a good chance that cameras might be everywhere."

"Can't we find the security office and just break in from there?"

"It may take a while for us to hack into the system."

"Well...then I guess destroying the electrics work," I said, "Sam, go find the power source. I'll see if there's a back up generator out here. Dean, since you have the quicker hand, once the security system gets triggered, find a way to turn it off. Shoot it if it comes down to it."

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