Because The Night (M)

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I got out of the Impala, saying goodnight to Dean. He dropped me off at the hotel Sam told me to meet at, telling me to have fun and "you kids be careful now" before driving off.

I gave the hotel staff member at the front desk the name Sam said to use, and they told me to go up to the top floor. I was surprised by this as top floors were usually the most expensive, but I knew Sam pulled some strings to make it happen.

Normally I would scold him for something like this, but it was my 21st birthday and I knew he just wanted to spoil me for the evening. I'll let it slide...for now at least.

I got to the top floor and stopped at the nearest vanity they had outside, fixing my hair and dress. I looked around for our room number, finding it at the end of the hall. I knocked on the door as I wasn't sure if Sam was finished whatever he was doing in there.

"Roae?" I heard him say.

"No it's the pizza man," I said sarcastically.

I heard him chuckle before saying it was okay to come in.

I swiped my card, unlocking the door and stepped inside.

I looked into the room and let out a huge gasp. Rose petals covered the floor and the scented candles gave off a beautiful smell. The lights were dim and some soft music was playing in the background.

"I'm in the bathroom," Sam shouted, "Come in. There's more."

I chuckled before heading to the bathroom. I opened the door to find the most beautiful sight ever.

The room was also dim and there was a champange bucket in the corner. Sam was in the bathtub, soaking with the bubbles. I found myself biting my lip a bit and excitement ran through me.

"Sam...this...this is too much," I said.

"Why? You hate it?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"What? No! I love it! It's just...I'm so overwhelmed."

"You're not going to lecture me about the cost, are you? Because either way, it's your birthday and I wanted to do something with you..."

I giggled. He really does read my mind sometimes. "I'm letting it slide for tonight...So no lecture."

He smirked at me and there was a sense of relief in his eyes. "Good. Now come in here and join me."

"Damn already? Then why did you say that I had to wear this dress before I got here?"

"Didn't want to spoil what we were doing," he said, "Expect the unexpected, I guess?"

I rolled my eyes and smiled, turning around and zipped off my dress rather slowly just to tease Sam a bit. Once that was off I turned to face him again and got out of my undergarments, prepping myself for the bath. I heard Sam groan the moment I took off the last article of clothing, meaning he was liking what he saw. I felt a little blush come across my face but also a sense of confidence. I've never felt sexy or desirable, yet Sam managed to make me feel both.

I stepped into the tub and sat myself down, laying my back against Sam's chest. He put his arms around me and gave me a little kiss on my head, rubbing me with his hands to scrub my body with the soap bubbles.

"I didn't know how much I needed this," I said, feeling myself fully relax.

"I've noticed you haven't taken the time for yourself, which is why I planned all this," Sam said.

"What we do...we always put others first."

"I know," he said, kissing my shoulder, "Which is why I want to take care of you tonight. Don't worry about me. It's about you right now."

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