I Put A Spell On You

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The street performer finally had a name.


He was in his late 40's and he's been hunting since he was 25 after his son was kidnapped and replaced with a changeling. Thankfully, the child survived, but that kind of danger was enough for Seamus to leave and make sure his son was out of harms way. His wife, whose name I can't remember, understood what needed to be done and while it did end up in divorce, they both still deeply cared for each other.

His son took a while to understand, but once he was told everything, he accepted that his father wasn't going to be around as much anymore.

Seamus tried to visit his son at least once a year or when things calm down for a bit, and sometimes that meant not visiting him at all that year if it was a busy year.

Hearing his story made me think about Sam and Dean's relationship with their father. The times I have met John, I could tell he was trying his best in some aspects, but he never gave both boys any opportunity to truly have a father/son bond with him. It was always training and preparing for the next big threat. The most they had regarding a father/son bond was with Bobby and my dad when he wasn't helping John with a case.

"So kids...what's your story?" he asked.

"Story?" I asked.

"What put ya'll into the huntin' business?"

I looked over at Sam, who was sitting next to me while Seamus was in the front helping Dean navigate. He began to tense up a bit, so I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Well, for me," I spoke up, "I had no real choice in the matter. I was pretty much born into this life. There was no real way out of it."

"Parents were hunters?"

"That...and I'm a medium."

Seamus looked back at me in shock. "Wait...I thought you all were killed from those demons!"

"Some of us were lucky enough to survive. The others weren't....and unfortunately, my parents were one of the unlucky ones."

"I'm so sorry, hon."


Seamus gave me a small smile before turning back around to focus on the road. "So what got the three of you together?"

I leaned forward a bit and poked Dean's cheek a bit. "Dipshit here used to look after me while his dad and my parents went out hunting."

"Hey, I did a pretty good job considering I was dealing with two brats," Dean said.

"Wha...why did I get pulled into this?" Sam protested, "Leave me out of your banterings."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I leaned back into the backseat, my head resting on Sam's shoulder.

"I actually thought you and Dean were a hunter couple when I first saw you," Seamus said, turning around to look at myself and Sam, "But I'm guessing here that isn't the case."

"I love Dean, but he's like my annoying, overprotective older brother that I never had," I said.

"Yeah, Sammy was the one that had some kind of obsession with Rose," Dean joked.

"Obsession? Really Dean?" Sam said, "I was not obsessed..."

"Oh please. I've seen the way you glanced at her every second you got when you both reached puberty. Plus there was the excuses to get some alone time with her..."

"This coming from the one who watches a daytime TV soap opera," I fired back, "What's the name of it...I believe Dr. Sexy?"

"Hey, it's not an obsession!" Dean said, "It's called channel surfing!"

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