7. Accident?

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Jieun's POV

Next day I was going home from college. Then suddenly my bully appeared in from of me. She was holding a baseball bat. I ran as fast as I can. She was still following me. I was running and then I saw a car coming in front of me. I closed my eyes ready to get hit but nothing. The car door opened and I saw Namjoon, Jin's friend. He came to me and held my shoulders.

Namjoon: Jieun? Are you Ok? (Worried)

I was too scared. I started shivering. He caressed my head

Namjoon: SSh Calm down. (Softly)

Namjoon's POV

She is shivering badly. Of course, she must be scared. I have to calm her down.

Namjoon: SSh. You are safe. Come with me. (Softly)

I held her hand.

Jieun's POV

He held my hand and slowly started dragging me. I got panicked.

Namjoon: Relax. I am not going to hurt you. (Softly)

He took me near Han river. He made me sit down and sat down next to me.

Namjoon: Are you hurt? (Worried)

I shooked my head as no.

Namjoon: Don't think about it. Try to forget it. (Softly)

Namjoon's POV

She was still scared.

Namjoon: Please calm down.

She is still scared. It made me worried. She might get sick. So, I secretly texted Suho.

On text.

Namjoon: Hyung, I almost hit Jieun with my car. Don't worry, she is not injured. But she is scared. Please come fast at Han river.

Jieun's POV

I was scared that I would have got hit by car. But atleast she(bully) will not hit me. I lost in my thought when I saw Suho running towards me. He held my shoulders.

Jin: Jieun, are you Ok? Namjoon said you almost had an accident. (Worried)

I just nodded

Jin: Are you hurt anywhere? (While checking if she had any wounds )

I shook my head as no.

Jin: Namjoon, thank you so much for pulling brakes on time and comforting her.

Namjoon: Don't thank me. She is like my little sister. (Softly)

Namjoon caressed my head.

Namjoon: You should take her home.

Jin: You are right. Let's go Jieun.

He held my hand and took me towards his car.

Did he left his work and came here for just for me? Do he really cares? I don't know why I feel that I should trust him.

After few days, I was going to the college. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my head then every thing went black.

I woke in a dark room. I realized that I was tied up. I saw my adoptive parents coming close to me with a bat. I wanted to scream but I couldn't, my mouth was tied even I will scream. Who will help me?

Mrs. Kang: You are a useless girl! I told you to give me money but you didn't! Now face the consequence!

Then I felt a sharp pain on my leg.


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