Chapter 16 - Recovering

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She turn towards the three and asked. "You three! How's luffy doing?!?"

"How did you know were going to surface here? I was scared thinking the Marines was still chasing us." Bepo stated.

"I made Salome follow you underwater." Hancock replied then motioning at the snake.

"Oh, I see!"

"Don't change the topic, you fuzzy beast!"

"I'm sorry!" Bepo apologized, hung his head to Hancock, blue lines covering his head.

"So weak!" Shachi and penguin exclaim at the same time. I just shake my head because of hancock. She is really... i don't know how to describe her.

Hancock then asked again what is Luffy condition. The door of the submarine suddenly open and Law appeared.

"I did everything i could, we were able to stabilize him. However he took greater damage than you think, there is no guarantee that he will survive yet." The surgeon of death explained. He turn his attention to me and frowned.

"Y-n ya, what are you doing here? You should be resting."

I shook my head and walk towards him and stand in front. "I'm okey now, how's Ace and Jinbei? Are they alright??"

He sighed. "Jinbei-ya is fine now he should be waking any time now. But Ace-ya is..."

Law look at my eyes and he see my worry expression while waiting for his answer about Ace condition.

"Ace-ya is on coma for now, we don't know when he will wake up. Luckily you did not keep longer to admit him, if you were too late he will surely die." Law stated while i gasped in shock. "His lungs was quite burn, it will take time to heal. But don't worry he is safe now." Law nearly lost his footing when i suddenly hug him.

"Thank you for saving them.." i stated while i feel tears escaping my eyes because of happiness. I remove my arms around him and smile at him.

"It's no wonder!" A voice shouted from the Marine ship. I smile on relief because it was Ivan-san and his followers.

"Ivan-san!" I called out and wave. He smile at me. "Flame girl!"

Then they proceed to tell that Luffy was really risking his life to save his brother and they also said that they are very thankful to Luffy for helping them to go out.

"What are they?" Shachi asked beside me.

I hummed. "They are from the Impel down who help us to break out, I'm glad they are alright."

"I can't believe that he push himself hard to save his brother and it really paid off!" Ivan-san then jump on the deck of the submarine. He turn towards me and cry in happiness. "Flame girl! You really save the two brothers from that red dog! You are so strong to stop the hit!" Then he hug me tight, then release me.

The people around got confuse on what Ivan-san said. They turn towards me. I just chuckle nervously.

"Wait, you mean y-n ya stop akainu for hitting the two brothers? But they are injured." Law inquired.

"Well, if the flame girl was not exhausted, she probably defeated the Red dog. She even kick the balls of that Justice chaser!! That was really a good hit! Heehaw!" Ivan-san said then laugh and his followers also chuckle. I blush because of that.

Shachi, Penguin and Bepo stare at me on awe. They literally have a stars on their eyes. Law smirk on that. She is really interesting..

"Hmp! I could say it was a good revenge for saving Luffy!" Hancock stated.

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