At least, she was going to see Drey tomorrow.

The next morning came quickly, maybe because she went to bed late. She was already on the school assembly and she was asked to take the students on ''Tolerance.''

All the teachers were in the assembly hall and she felt all eyes on her as she walked to the stage.
Students clapping as she walked up.

Jasmine was one of prefects, health prefect to be precise.
But she wasn't the type to bully juniors.
She didn't smile with them either.
She was always in her own lane but nobody dared to get on her nerves, they knew better than that.
Her anger was really bad.

"Good morning students." She said boldly as she finally made her way to the stage. A large amount of students staring at her.

Her school contained almost one thousand students, if not more.

"Good morning senior Jasmine," They replied in unison.

"So we all know this week's topic is talking about tolerance.
Can a student from jss3 come out to define tolerance before I proceed?"
She asked, looking at the crowd.
Few hands went up immediately but she called on a girl who seemed rather distracted by a boy who was giving her flirty looks.

"The girl on glasses." She pointed with a straight face and everybody looked towards the direction she pointed at.

"" She stuttered giving a nervous smile but Jasmine's face was still straight.

"Can you come out and tell us what you understand by tolerance?" She sluggishly came out and stood there, looking at everyone.

Who in the world doesn't know what tolerance means!?

''You can imagine a child whose parents are paying heavily for their child to learn!
You can't define tolerance and you will be seating for your junior waec soon.'' One of the teachers, Mr.Vince yelled from the right side of the stage.

He was in his late thirties and he taught the senior students economics.

"Okay so without wasting much time, tolerance can be defined as the ability to endure pain or hardship. It also means accepting beliefs that differs from yours." Jasmine said as the whole Hall went quiet, listening to her speak.

"An example is the Muslims, Christians and Atheists being friends. So going by this definition of tolerance, the society would inherently be a peaceful and harmonious place to live in.
Characteristics of tolerance are as follows.-

Treating other people as you want to be treated. As long as what they do do not make life more difficult, make your beliefs illegal, harm you or your family, make education difficult or inadequate etc then what they do in their Private spaces should be none of your business." She paused and then looked at the students for a minute to see if they were following.

"I don't know if this makes any sense to you all."

''It does senior.''

''Ride on Jasmine.''

One of her classmate, Bryan cooed making her smile.

The time prefect signalled to her that they didn't have much time to continue and she nodded.

"I'm going to stop here because of time. We will continue from where we stopped tomorrow."
With that, she walked down from the stage to where ss3 students were.

"A round of applause for your senior!" Mr Vince yelled and everybody began clapping once again.

''Her ability to stand in front of the crowd and still speak so fluently and confidently without making any mistake is what still baffles me.'' She heard one of the ss2 students say and she smiled inwardly, still keeping a straight face on the outside.

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