{The goofy Chris}

           {The goofy Chris}

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

       {The Serious Chris}

"Ah ah, see how you're just glowing. Which cream are you using self? Only you is just eating your daddy's money." Christopher teased.

"How am I glowing chris?
You just came all the way from Abuja to be whining me
Better rest."
Jasmine replied, fighting the urge to smile.

They got interrupted by the iPhone ringtone that couldn't stop buzzing from Jasmine's bag.

She checked the caller ID and it was Ryan.

He said he was going to call.

She accepted the phone call and put the phone in her right ear.

"Hey gee," She said. Trying to act normal and prayed silently that the call would be a short one.
She wasn't ready for Chris's questions.

"I'm sorry I'm calling late.
I got caught up with some shits.
Hope you're home safe?"

"Yeah I am, no issues."

She said. She could feel the burning gaze coming from Chris but she tried her best to avoid him.

"Is that Dave?"
Chris asked, looking really curious and Jasmine's heart skipped three beats at the mention of his name.

"No," She whispered in response to him.

''So what are you doing?''

''Who's that?''

Ryan and Chris asked at the same time.

Ryan trying to keep up with the conversation while Chris being so curios to know who she was speaking to by this time.

Oh god.

Chris wouldn't stop asking too much questions would he!?

"One of my guys," She said ignoring Ryan's question.

"What happened to one of your guys?"

Ryan asked from the other end, confused. Causing Jasmine to realise that she was still on the phone with Ryan.

"Sorry, I was talking to someone."
She replied, giving him Chris a glare.

''Oh, someone.
Are you busy?''

"My brother actually.
He came around and he's really on my nerves right now.
I guess we should talk later."

Ryan felt relieved after knowing that it was her 'brother.'

"Okay then, goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight gee."

She replied and then hung up, turning back to Chris who was still staring intently at her waiting for her to finish with her phone call.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"
She asked, rolling her eyes.

"Who were you speaking to?"

Trust Christopher to act like a father figure at the age of 20.
He was the same age as Dave.

"He's my friend Chris calm down abeg."

''Your friend'' He mimicked, trying to form her voice causing her to laugh out loud.

"I'm serious guy, he's just my gee.
Abi can a boy not call me again?"
She asked folding her arms across her chest.

"How old is he?"

"Oh my God Chris, you're seriously not asking me this right now."

"How old is he?"

Chris repeated still staring at her with a teasing expression on his face.

"He should be 18 or something I don't know please let's change the topic already."

"How's Naomi?" Jasmine asked, smirking.

Naomi was Chris's girlfriend.
They've been dating for a year or so.

"Oh, my mama!
She's good.
She was so sad that I had to leave for Lagos and she said she was gon' tell her dad that she wants to spend her Christmas holiday with her cousins in Lagos just so we could flex the Christmas together."

Chris stated, all in one breath.

"Aww, God when!?
Christmas that is still next month and today is 20th."

She said, reminding somebody for the second time about today's date.

"She's going to figure it out.
Maybe she'll start disturbing him two weeks to Christmas or shit.
She just told me what she planned on doing."

"She should come please. I really want to see what she looks like in reality." Jasmine said as she stood up to get her food from kitchen.

Christopher engaged her so much she forgot she had to eat!

"You've eaten right?" She asked as she sat on the dining table and took in her first bite of the boiled yam accompanied with egg sauce.

"Yeah sure. Does Dave know I'm around?"
Chris asked and Jasmine froze on her spot.

This was the second time he was mentioning that name in a space of 10minutes and it did nothing but cause Damage to her already broken heart.

"I don't know," She replied nonchalantly.

"Did you tell him you're coming today?"

"Nah. But since you guys talk a lot I assumed you would have informed him." Chris replied.

If only he knew. . .

If only he knew. . .

End of chapter 26🎉
It's a little short, yes I know.
I'll make it up to you guys📍

If you guys can remember Chris tho.
He appeared in the early chapter and was never talked about again but he's here now.
And he's gonna be appearing a lot more now.
He's going to cause a lot of things to happen in this book you guys don't even know
A LOT will happen through him.
Just keep it in mind.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share📍.

Until next time

INSECURITIES.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ