Dibattitos su un Casinò

Start from the beginning

"Okay," Dante nodded. "Sit down. I'll go get your medicine and start your food."

"Okay!" I forced a smile and it felt fake. I felt as if I was wearing a mask.

I did as he said and even forced myself to engage in conversation as he talked to me. I ate everything that he made me. I washed my plate. I drank water. Dante praised me as if I was a puppy that learned to do a trick.

There was a knock at the door. I got up to go answer it. I was so ready to see Dr. Williams. I needed to be cleared. I must.

"No, Alexis!" Dante called. He grabbed my arm from behind to stop me. "You can't open the door. I'll go get it."

I didn't fight him. I made my way over to the sofa to sit and wait. Vincent walked into the living room as Dante answered the door. Dr. Williams walked in. Once he saw me, he made his way over.

"Marie," he nodded and set his bag down. "How do you feel today?"

"Great," I lied. His voice was loud to me, and it made my head hurt. I didn't want a headache right now! Wasn't the medicine supposed to kick in already? I didn't need this! If I showed any reaction of my noise sensitivity then Dr. Williams would walk right out of that door.

"Great?" Dr. Williams repeated, sitting down next to me. He softly grabbed my head, looking into my eyes. He let go after a moment and then grabbed a light from his doctor's bag. "Look at me. . . . Look to your left. . . . Your right. . . ." He moved the light to my other eye and said the same things. I think I made a mistake. The light was harsh against my eye. I couldn't help but blink. No, I blink like three times to try and fix it. Dr. Williams removed the light from my face. I worriedly looked at him. He was frowning. "Did you have breakfast?" he asked as he put away his light.

"Yes," I firmly stated. I did. No one could deny it. I wanted to throw it all up but I wouldn't because Dr. Williams wouldn't clear me if I did.

"Can one of you get me her log?" Dr. Williams asked, and looked toward Dante. Dante nodded and walked out of the room. "I'm just checking on your concussion right now. Is there a reason you called me?"

"Yeah. . . ." I stated as if it was obvious. "You can clear my concussion."

"She's not ready," Vincent cut in. "She hasn't been sleeping, and while you are here, check the marks on her arms."

"He's lying– you shouldn't listen to anything he says. He drinks!" I quickly added. "I've been sleeping–"

"Alexis, you're only hurting yourself," Vincent reminded me as he crossed his arms.

"No, I'm not!" I snapped.

"Okay, okay!" Dr. Williams cut in as Dante came back. Dante handed Dr. Williams the log. "I'll run all my tests. I can determine the condition." He looked away from me and then back at my log. I was intently watching his face. I needed to read his emotions. His face didn't reveal any. He silently set it face down near his medical bag on the coffee table. I looked at him, waiting for a response but he just went back into his bag to grab something. "Look here," Dr. Williams instructed. "Follow this pen, okay?"

"Yeah," I mumbled and planted my eyesight on the pen. He moved it left. He moved it too far to the point where it hurt to look over. It strained my eyes. I moved my head. Dr. Williams put his pen down.

"Don't move your head, Marie. Did that hurt?" he asked.

I wanted to lie but I hated liars and didn't want to be one.

You already hate yourself. What's the issue here?

"Sorry," I mumbled. That was a solid answer. I didn't lie.

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