Being A King

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Vatsweila was nearing, only a few days away. Serta and Roseanne continued to look after Zoe, the 'Golden' blood, and trust the two. Meanwhile, Dana had other ideas. She didn't trust them one bit, and she always wriggled away as soon as they approached her. She stayed close to Gwin and Finnic who looked after her. Dana's mother had other things to do and became tiring to be around, she was still getting over Dana's brother's death.

"There we go, do you feel better?" Roseanne asked Zoe who nodded. She hadn't said one word, not even to Seraphina.

The other Golden Blood was staying out of people's way, but I tried to go over to her once in a while. She seemed shy and fidgety but she had just met a load of new people, it's got to be a bit overwhelming.

Zoe's leg was torn in multiple places, and had healed badly due to the forest and the bugs. It had got infected and must be very painful. Roseanne had managed to clean the wound and scrape away the puss, she now worked on closing it up.

I watched Dana from the corner of my eye, she was watching Zoe through squinted eyes. I looked over to wink at her, but she shuffled off with a suspicious smile.

"King Serta? Would you mind passing me that?" Roseanne asked me, and I passed her the metal object in my hand. She insisted to call me 'King' around strangers, I had got used to it.

"Roseanne? Sorry, I'll be right back." I said and hurried away.

We had stopped to rest for a day, so people could get some proper sleep. To my left, a group of elderly people sat in the ground, chatting and finally relaxing. We had pushed them hard especially. "Everyone ok?" I asked them as I jogged passed. To my annoyance one replied.

"Ahhh! Your majesty, would you mind giving Sheila and I some food? It would be awfully kind of you as we are quite peckish."

"Err, yes, of course. Give me a minute." And so I changed my course, bumping into Dana.

"Hey!" She said, with her beautiful smile.

"Hi, sorry some old ladies just asked me for some food. Ana a King has got to serve!" I laughed.

"They had the audacity to ask you? Their King?" She gasped, "Scandalous!" We laughed together. "Do you want me to get it for you? You look in a hurry."

"Really? Thanks Dana! Sorry..."

"No problem, Bye-wait, which old ladies?"

"Ummmmm, Sheila? And... I don't know Ruth? It sounds old, just go with it."

"Right, thanks!"

As I ran I laughed. I wasn't in a hurry for a good reason. But everything was so overwhelming, I needed some time to myself.

But, I ran into someone else, just my luck.

"Woah. Watch it." I heard before I saw: Amber. The girl Kassa gave the message too.

"Sorry, hey Amber."

"Hey." She sounded very unamused.

"Whatcha up to? Aren't you meant to be-"

"Aren't I allowed to have time to myself?" She demanded.

"Yep, sorry. Just wondering."

As I left, I heard the whispers in the wind. 'Amber...' they called.

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