His Words Would Change Everything.

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I gaped at my dad in silence.
"It's not called a Feathered Spirit for no reason." Dad said in his lovely warm voice, that made me want to curl up to him like a puppy.
"Come here, Kassara" Dad called gently. My lengthened name made me shiver, only dad called me Kassara. I came up to him, hugged him and cried.
"Don't cry." He whispered.
"How- why are you... here" I sobbed "i miss you dad. Lots."
"I love you, but listen to me," he took a deep breath in, his hand stroked up and down my back, I felt like a little girl again. "How is your fighting coming along?" He didn't let me answer. "You will need it. There is a dark force threatening to wipe out men and kingdoms, the world as we know it could, will change forever. You have to find something, no one but yourself can help you. You have to go North, all the way to Zepter. When you arrive you will find it." He finished, I barely understood what he meant but I nodded. It would be important if dad told me. He always knew the right path.
"I will." I said and looked at his face, his eyes... his smile.
"Kassara, you need to be safe, keep being careful, and trust no one. Ok?" His advice burnt a hole in my brain.
"I will."

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