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Sarkon had finally agreed to help her fight and take over Elise's old magic lessons. Kassa hadn't even begun to understand how vast her power was, she was just scratching the tips of it. Something else had happened too, Kassa had discovered yet a forth power. She wasn't even sure where it had come from. Her mother's magic was her darkness, her Father's her wings and her own her flame. So what was this. She hadn't used it yet but she could feel it, maybe even something else as well.

"Get it out of me!" I sobbed. My power was so overwhelming, and destructive it felt horrible. It was very odd as well, because I had just used it to practice.

"Kassa, release it slowly." I tried to listen to Sarkon, but as soon as I let the dam rip, it all flooded out.

"Help!" I shrieked, as fire tried to stop the darkness that stampeded outwards. For that I was forever grateful. Sarkon lept out of the way as a cloud hurtled towards him.

"Kassa! Control it! It is yours, don't let it take over!" He grunted, constantly avoiding my magic. I caught a glimpse of an eye, the colour of a crepuscular dawn. I could feel the energy leaving my magic, slowing it just enough. I closed my eyes and grasped my magic in a fist. 'STOP! You! Listen to me! Come back!' I hollered, my thoughts screaming at my powers for them to listen.

It took a moment, but they slowly succumbed to my order. 'Thank you!' I sighed.
"Great work. Now, let's go again. let it out slowly." I groaned, but got to work.

After a week, I had gotten better. Thinking to my magic seemed to help. But even with me progressing, it still grew. My Fathers magic, being left behind... it was now much, much smaller than the rest. I let my fire grow, it was the only one out of the two I could trust, and luckily it seemed almost bigger than... my darkness. I tried to hold back my darkness, not that it helped.

Weirdly, I thought of Jax. In Serta's letter it hadn't really mentioned her, hopefully she was safe.

I swung the sword again, it hit the target in the bullseye. I missed the training I used to do with Jax, I still remembered everything she taught me.
"Hey." Autumn said. The White Blood looked at me with dull grey eyes. "Whatcha Doin?" He asked. He had recently returned from... I still don't know where, but I know it had something to do with burying Elise and Ferrum.

"What does it look like?" I grunted as I struck again. Autumn remained silent.

"Right...Who are you?"

"UGH! I'm Kassa, nice to meet you. And the only thing you need to know about me is when I am training, I prefer to be left alone." I snapped at him, but I had had a hard day and I couldn't be bothered to act nice. He didn't take the hint.

"My brother coaches training lessons. Not that I know anything about it..." I got the feeling he was talking more to himself than to me. "He doesn't do it as a living... he just likes to help people. Sometimes I wish I could help people... the way he does, but I'm not good at anything useful... so I've given up." Ugh, he was being all sentimental, because I suddenly felt a bit sorry for his annoying existence, I asked a question.

"So... who is your brother? Do you see him much?" I sighed as I walked over to the weapon stand.

"No, Ubunto is always too busy for me. Well he was... before I left..." That name... I had definitely heard it somewhere.

"Sorry, what was his name again?" I released the string on the bow and looked at Autumn, this time actually focused on his answer.

"Ubunto. It's rare I know..." I stopped listening. The memory hit me.

Stained in redOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora