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"They're coming Kassa!" I ran to the cupboard
"Dad, I can't." I said struggling to move it out the way. I felt a hand on my shoulder, then he moved it.
"In you go, I'll see you on the other side be safe now."
"Dad, I love you!" I cried hugging him "Will you be ok?"
"Of course, now go, quick." He urged me. I lifted the trapdoor, just as I closed it dad moved the cupboard over it again. The ladder stopped quickly. I was in a room, I had been in here before, I used to hide here when I was scared, dad would bring me here in the night and sing to me, when I woke up I was back in my bed and I could always hear dad snoring in the other room. I sat down and listened. It was muffled but I could make out my mums voice,
"Please! Please," she shrieked, "No!" An ear splitting cry echoed down the trapdoor. Then everything went silent. A purple light escaped through into the room it touched my tulip that mum had got me, it slowly shrivelled up and turned black. I heard them come close, thudding footsteps echoed behind me, I crept out the tunnel to the woods. I stayed in there for a week, I woke up with an old woman force feeding me soup.

Four years later i was in a jungle by a lake searching for Remenie.

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