Live, Sarkon. Live

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The wind whipped under Sembi's beautiful golden winds, the mist dampening his mane. They flew with a flow only achieved by few. Under them cliffs and trees streamed past, the colours blurring together. A voice fluttered into Sembi's pricked ears, he slowed.

"Come on! We have to find him!" I urged the Stallion, why was he slowing? Why now? I looked into his eyes. Listen. Reluctantly I did, Sembi hovered in the air so the wind wasn't howling as loudly. I could make out a voice, it spoke in a different language, luckily I understood. My Dad had been a White Blood, they had made many secret tongue's so that no spy could understand. Dad had taught me every single one he knew, including this one.

"He is not willing to speak." One said, Sembi followed the voice and it grew louder.

"Make him!" Another shouted. "What methods have you used? Some I find can be more persuasive." I shivered, I knew which they were referring to.
"I have tried lots, he isn't spilling, plus he is so smug and arrogant I have to leave every hour to stop me committing suicide!" Sarkon. They must be referring to him! I don't know why I hadn't realised it sooner. I shivered again. Maybe if I listen more, they might speak of his location.
"You are showing weakness! Stay, suffer his arrogance how bad can it be? And find out how he found us! Why are the Yellow Bloods spying on us? Do they want war? It is up to YOU to find out! Don't leave your family in peril, Elise! Yellow bloods show no mercy to our kind!" One scolded her worn voice rattling. Sembi had found where the meeting was held, a wooden circular building jutted out of a cliff wall, half of it in the cliff itself maybe even more. Sembi perched on top of a hidden ledge, waiting and listening. I was beside him.
"Of course I will, but if he doesn't say?" The deeper, younger voice asked.
"Dispose of him." The other said, her voice plain showing no emotion whatsoever.
"Won't that lead to an uprising from the Yellow Bloods?"
"If their spy is here already, they probably planned for war at the beginning. We need to send a message: you send an enemy into our home, the enemy will not return." Coldness tugged at her words. "I give you a week, if he doesn't answer us, kill him and be done. In the meantime we prepare our forces!" I heard footsteps and hid. Oh, Sarkon. What did I get us into? I felt my chest, begging for the Gods warm hands to guide me, show me hope. Anything but be left with the total despair that flooded me. Non came.

Young and beautiful, a White Blood emerged gliding through the thick snow. For a moment I just stood to gawk at her, then I realised I should probably follow her as she might know where Sarkon is. My hopes lifted all up until a large silver male dragon approached her, his eyes red and coal black. Demon. He looked like the type of dragon you hear in story's when castles are ruined and villages are burned. The Dragon looked like a massive killing machine. I stopped dead in my tracks. The White Blood spoke something softly to the Dragon and pulled herself onto his back effortlessly. He shook out his wings that looked like they were metal plated and weighed a ton, but he flapped once and slowly spun through the air. Graceful, but deadly. With a nudge from Sembi we timidly followed the dragon and his beautiful rider. Hopefully her methods of extracting information weren't like the images that now plagued my head.
Live, Sarkon. Live.

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