POV Switch

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Authors Note:
Before you start, just saying in this the time zones change. (It will jump hours or weeks in between POV's) It will make sense, but just letting you know.

POV: Amber

The Ex King sauntered up to me, but I payed him no attention. I wasn't in the mood to be talked to. I never was.
I just stared at the field, my arms wrapped around my hollow chest. My given name sent my head rocketing elsewhere.
"Is that you?"
He was closer to me now, I had to respond. After keeping my mouth closed for so long, my voice cracked.

"What." My monotone faltered his smile, but he gave a sigh of relief.

"I've been looking for you! I have a message." I didn't reply, so he reached into his pocket for a scrap of paper, he read the message.
"Amber, You won't remember me, but I was the girl from the training room in Remenie that walked in on you and asked you about your trainer... anyways. Your old trainer, Ubunto, he's alive. He is currently at the coordinates:
10. 35. 678
From Kassa."
Oh, I remembered her. I remember everyone. Including Ubunto, the only one who truly knew who I was. The only one I would, and ever will, talk properly to and listen to, and understand. Only the special boy, Ubunto would I think about with a twitch of a smile on my lips. And he was alive. I suddenly grew oblivious to Serta, who was waiting expectantly for any sort of reply, any sign that I had heard the message. But I just thought.

POV: Kassa

I needed to discover my powers. I needed to use my dragon to do that. I needed to keep said powers under control so as not to destroy the universe. I needed to go to another planet, so everybody would be safe. Safe from me. Me, the God, who's on the wrong planet, doing all the wrong things, with all the wrong people. Me, who can't even stop my magic from setting, what feels like, my blood and bones on fire.
And yet with all of that, I had no idea where to start.

POV: Sarkon

Her face was paler than a sheet. Her green eyes, that stared at the floor, were greyer than usual. She was relaxed yet she looked almost like she was in very intense pain.
"Kassa." I rested my hand on her shoulder. Nothing.
"Kassa? Are you alright?" I cleared my throat, and sat her down on a wooden bench a foot away. A minute later, she blinked once, looked at me, blinked again, then bent over quickly and vomited. All I could do was stand there, holding her hair back, not daring to say a word. Three hours passed when all we did was sit in silence and wait out the sickness, that only gave us precious minutes before I had to hold her hair back again. I could tell she didn't want to talk about it. At least for now.

POV: Dana

I waved to my mum and headed out the door. The wind greeted me, along with the tall grass of the healer's hill. Serta had given me a message. A short one, with not nearly enough apology as i was hoping for, but it said enough. That after two weeks of thinking, he was to retake his crown and title. He would lead as we all needed him to, with my help of corse, and he would fight for his Kingdom once more. All I could do was smile, finally! I couldn't help feeling proud for him, my big brother. My King!

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