The Valley's of Blade and Bone

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Saying goodbyes was the hardest part when Kassa left, it had always been. Even though she didn't know them much Jax had been a steady hand to guide her. The Prince and Kassa put their differences apart and had a proper, friendly goodbye. It was exactly what they both wanted. Sembi The Great Stallion had taken her from the island into the Empty valley's where they had spent the last two weeks wondering.

I picked up the leaf package and unwrapped it. Inside was a berry roll up. It was especially made by Frixy. Each roll up seemed to make my stomach purr with happiness. Sembi snorted.
"I know, I'm getting it now." I replied, I had been talking to Sembi since we left. Although I was sure he had no idea what I meant, I didn't want to go mad not speaking to anyone. But doesn't talking to a horse make you seem even madder? It was better than speaking to myself.

I had told The Stallion all about the 'gardener' who turned out to be my dad... as a spirit... brought by the Feathered Spirit who could have been an illusion in itself. I'm definitely going mad. Sometimes I didn't believe it myself. My dad was... gone. So how did he... speak to me? I forced the thought out of my head. I wasn't going to let confusion rattle my skull. Sembi trotted at a steady pace as always. His body moving as soft as liquid but as powerful as obsidian. The stallion surprised me, even when we travelled at high speeds, his stamina lasted hours upon hours! I was glad Sembi was here, I missed company so much. It had only been two weeks, but sleeping on dirt and stopping only for what was necessary, killed me.

We stopped. Sembi lowered me down. Neither of us were tired, but I needed to stop. Steadily I spun into my training, remembering what Jax taught me and putting it into action. I barely had time to practice, but I did when I could so I couldn't become 'rusty' or forget some moves. Once again, I found myself dreaming about the fiery girl. Her calm rhythm to which she sliced her blades. Sembi's huffs the only thing keeping me in reality. But soon after I was back on The Stallion's back riding for eternity's through the lime grasses. Trusting the steady hooves I closed my eyes.

Stained in redOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora