Words Filled with Riddles

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There was too many thoughts going around the girl's head, so all she could do was push each one away... but they wouldn't be pushed, they would come back again and again and again. It was a relentless tide. The warrior came back after an hour, he had many questions on his mind too, but he was only going to ask her one.

"What was you parent's blood colour?" His face remained cold, other than that no emotion showed.
"My Father had White blood. My mother had Black." I didn't say anything else. It wasn't unheard of to have two different colours in the family, although it was rare because most times different bloods conversed it normally ended in blood shed. How I had got red... I still didn't know. I had never fit in anywhere... White bloods lived mostly in the mountains in big groups, Black in rough terrain, volcanic areas or caves although those habitats mostly dated back hundreds of years ago. Neither group would accept me, so I lived with my parents in a woodland, alone. Sarkon nodded, as if he was trying to piece my information together like a jigsaw. I didn't mind, after all he had told me deep things about his past, it was my turn now.

I could tell my blank face annoyed him, he kept glancing at it to see things I wasn't telling him. "My dad said once I was here I would find it," I saw his face and continued "I still don't know what 'it' is. But he also said no one can help me. Maybe..." I couldn't form the words. Don't trust anyone. "Maybe we have to split paths." All my breath left my body, leaving me limp and fragile. I was glad I was leaning on a tree because my knees threatened to buckle. I didn't show him though, I held my chin high and my legs remained straight.

"Maybe we do." He turned away from me as if to leave, I almost crawled towards him. But he just stood there, still piecing it all together, figuring out what to say. "What else did he say?" I sighed and then let it all out.
"He said I needed to know how to fight. He then said that there is a dark force threatening to wipe out men and kingdoms, the world as we know it will change forever. Ummm... I have to find something, no one but me can do it. He said I have to go North, all the way to Zepter and when i arrive i will find it." I remembered those words clear as day. Find what dad? I need some help! He couldn't have just told me what it was I was meant to find! I frowned. "What lives in Zepter?" I asked Sarkon, him of all people should know. He paused and then replied,
"White bloods." I shivered. Why do I need to find them? The warm hands took my arm and hand and pointed my finger, up and up. Until I was pointing at the top of a mountain. I left my hand there.
"Sarkon." My gulp was audible "I think we need to go... up there." He spun round to me, then to the mountain, then back to me.
"How." A simple question, not such a simple answer.
"I just... know." I couldn't explain the hands or the foreign warmth that made this all just a little bit easier.

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