An Idiotic Yellow Blood Warrior

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Exactly two hours have passed. Kassa is almost fully healed. Black swirls in the young girls head, but she is soon to awake.

Cold, hard hands griped my shoulders and hoisted me up. I let my eyes flicker open. Pain. Sharp pain spiked my legs. Then I remembered, the swords carving down the back of my legs, peeling my skin. But it feelt... better now. I took in my surroundings, The stallion, was asleep next to me, and a scar ran down his shoulder. Sembi had saved me last night... how? And then I sat up. What were those hands? I saw him. Resting, his back to a tree, carving a wood piece with a sharp knife. He had sensed me waking... I knew it. But he made no move to turn to me. The man was tall, bigger than Sembi, bigger than me. He was also strong. Yes, a warrior build, strong and powerful. A huff echoed from Sembi, and his big head looked at me. We saved you. We? We, as in him? He helped me? Yes. How? I thought. Everything I seemed to ask the great stallion, he would reply. Let him explain. Sembi's expression was blank, but he turned to point his nose at the man.
"Who..." my voice was dry and crackly. I tried again. "How did you save me?" The man slowly turned his head to look at me. Huge yellow stripes, warrior marks, were painted onto his face, along with yellow arrows and a dots. His skin looked darker, contrasted with the light yellow. And then he spoke. A deep rough growl of a voice.
"You don't ask the right questions, Girl." he turned his head away. How dare he!
"What is the right question then?" I didn't bother hiding the annoyance in my tone.
"We don't have time." And then he was next to me, dragging me upright. I shuffled him off. He gave me a look and then grumbled, "Get on Sembi." A command.
"Your not special, girl. What? Did you think you could speak to animals?"
"No. I thought..." I trailed off. I didn't think I could speak to them. I thought Sembi could speak to... me. "Can he speak to us?" He didn't reply. But nodded his head to the Stallion as if to say get on! I did. Sembi galloped through the forest. The man on Sembi too. Reluctantly I held onto his shoulders. What does he eat? Or do most of his life? He'd have to train every single day to get this strong!

After a while, we dismounted Sembi.
"You, stay here."
"Stop calling me You, or Girl-"
"What's your name then?" He grinned. I hated that grin.
"You can call me Grace." My mothers name.
"Well Grace, what are you doing here?"
"I should ask you the same question."
"I've been tracking you for days. Sembi found me, and was going to... anyway we heard you screaming so I came to help."
"Thanks." I mumbled. "Wait, why were you hunting me?"
"The question is, what is a young girl doing in the middle of the valley, with a face as pale as a sheet?" I was thirsty... my skin always paled with lac of water.

We sat in silence, the man going to scout our surroundings. Why is he still here? But then I guess it would be useful to have a yellow blood warrior about.

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