Chapter 44: Winter contingency has been activated

Start from the beginning

Y/n: How reach fall.

(July 26th 2552)

We over see a colony planet as we zoom in onto the planet as we see in the middle of a trail in the woods as group of marines getting under attack by Covenant forces as they push forward while fire their plasma bolts at them.

The Marines were pinned and taking fire from the Covenant forces as one Marine get shot in the shoulder while the other drag him behind a warthog as plasma bolts fly around them while they push forward. One Marine pulls out his radio and calls through to command.

UNSC marine: Command we Nedd back up right now! We are pinned I repeat, we are pinned!

UNSC command: (radio) Hang tight! Back up is on it's way!

UNSC marine: I hope so!

There was a blue explosion that dirt hit on their helmets while two marines peak out and fire their battle rifles while Covenant forces pushes forward while the elite chuckle thinking they will win. Suddenly he was shot in the head by something within the woods and fell onto the ground.

The Covenant forces stop and look around only for bullets to fly out within the forest beside them qnd they were quickly taking out with some fire a few bolts before they were quickly taking out. The other marines peak over and see them all dead as they hear movement within the trees and soon they see Y/n and his team exit out of the bushes as Y/n turn to the marines and walks over to them.

Y/n: Good thing one of yous didn't pull the trigger by accident.

They lower their weapons with one marine tell them.

UNSC marine: Thank you sir. We thought we be done for.

Y/n: (smile) Just doing our job. Doc, check up this injured marine.

Doc: On it!

Doc rush over to check on him while Ashley looks around and aim down her scope to see more Covenant fircesin the distance.

Ashley: Looks like enemy back up is coming.

Y/n: Bad or good?

Ashley: Two Wraiths and twice as troopers then the once we take down.

Y/n: So bad then. Guess we need to head back, get into yoru Warthogs marines. We're getting off this rock.

(Short while later)

We arrive to the UNSC camp site and we see marines packing up their gear and loading them all into their Pelicans and shelters while Y/n and the rest of his team walk around seeing that everything is alright before they make their leave.

Elijah: It seems we're right in schedule. Soon we pack up everything we can leave without the Covenant forces on this planet will not know we were here.

Gabriel: Least that's a good thing. This rock is kinda boring.

Ave: (smirk) You can say that again. This planet has nothing but tree after tree after tree.

Doc: But this is interesting since it shows some Forerunner life here.

Y/n: (smile) True. What about you watched, ready to leave this planet?

Watcher: It was interesting but I think it's best I rather do something then sitting here and do nothing.

Y/n: (chuckle) Never know you gte board.

Watcher: Well watching you guys battle lowers my excitement just a bit.

Y/n: (smile) Don't blame you. I might feel board the same if I was someone's head.

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