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“Can we talk real fast?” I asked Jack. “Yeah of course” He said. We went into his room. “What’s up y/n?” Jack asked. “You know how I have the two empty rooms at my house?” I asked. “Yeah” He said. “Well i’ve been thinking about letting Sophie, Edd, and Molly customize them just in case they want to stay at my house” I said. “That’s a great idea my love!” He said. “We can start tomorrow after they get out of school since you have work” I said. He nodded. We went out into the living room and Jack decided he wanted to let the kids know of my idea now so that we can get their stuff ready.

“Hey kids!” Jack says. All the kids make their way into the room. First Molly, then Edd, and finally Sophie and Jenny. “Y/n has an idea” He said. “Ooh what is it?” Molly asked excitedly. “I was thinking that maybe you kids could make a room at my house” I said. Everyone smiled. “Really?” Sophie asked. “Yeah” I said. “Really” She smiled bigger. “Do you girls still want to sleep over at y/n’s house?” Jack asks Sophie and Jenny. They nod frantically. “Ok. We can do that” I said. We said our goodbyes and made our way to the car. Before we left Sophie grabbed some stuff to bring to my house.

“Jenny” I said when we got to my house. “Sophie and I talked while we got her stuff together and she wants you to help her decorate the room” I said. Her face lights up. We go inside and help Sophie bring her stuff inside. There is already a bed in each room and an extra mattress in my attic. Sophie brought sheets and pillowcases, pillows, blankets, clothes, shoes, and some other random stuff including posters, movies, her CD player, and some CDs. There was a small wardrobe and a TV in the room too. Originally one was my sister’s old room when she was living with me and the other was just a guest room. We moved the bed to where Sophie wanted it and moved all the other furniture to line up. After that Sophie put her clothes into the closet and I helped put some of the posters up. Jenny organized her CDs and movies too. We got the room set up pretty quickly. All the clothes that Sophie brought were from this weekend and/or band tees. It was a lot of fun to set up.

“What do you think Sophie?” I asked. “I love it” She said. We continued to add little touches throughout the room and went into the living room after. “Wanna watch a movie?” I asked. “Yeah!” Sophie and Jenny said. “Ok. Pick one out” I said. Sophie and Jenny ended up picking Jaws. The two of them at on the couch waiting for the movie to turn on while I made popcorn and got some sodas from my fridge. After the movie was finished the girls talked about school and how they didn’t want to go. Projects, assignments, homework, and of course annoying students. They were excited to turn in their homework about the weekend though.

“I don’t wanna go to english!” Jenny said. “I know it’s so boring” Sophie said. “Y/n what was your least favourite class in school?” Jenny asked. “Probably maths” I said. Sophie agreed. “What classes do you two like?” I asked. “I like my science class” Sophie said. “Mine is probably art” Jenny said. “What was yours?” Sophie asked. “Hmm. Choir/Band” I said. The girls asked me some questions about when I was in school and what I did before getting to this one.

“How did you meet my dad?” Sophie asked.

A/N IM SO SORRY FOR CUTTING THIS CHAPTER SHORT! But i feel like Jack and y/ns backstory needs a full chapter.  Pls lmk how you guys like the new chapters and dont forget to comment/vote <3 -zi

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