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I woke up around 8. Getting out of bed quickly I shower and change my clothes. After getting ready I drive to Jacks house. He said hello to me and we talked for a second before he left. When I arrived the kids were all still asleep. Jack said it would be cool if I helped them make their Halloween costumes so I did. 

“Ok. What do you wanna be Molly?” I asked Molly before the other two since she was currently the only one awake. “A princess!” She said. I smiled. “Ok. Lets draw out your dress” I said. She had a really big smile. By the time we were done drawing her dress Edd walked in. He said that he wanted to be a baseball player. When Sophie finally came down she said that she wanted to be the bride of Frankenstein. 

We planned all of the costumes and left to get the supplies. We got fabric for Sophie and Molly and went to a thrift shop to find something for Edd. Once we were back at Jacks house we began making the costumes. It was so much fun. The kids were so cute. We quickly lost track of time. It was almost 10 so the kids went up to sleep and I did the same. 

The next day we did the whole thing over. Mollys dress was close to being finished and so was Sophies. All i needed to do was finish a few seams. The time with the kids passed so quickly. When Jack got home the kids told him all about what we did. He looked so happy. Jack walked over and hugged me while Molly was putting on the dress I made her so that I could see if anything else needed to be altered and Sophie did the same. Edd showed Jack the clothes he found at the thrift store while we waited. A few minutes later the girls walked out in their costumes. Everyone was so happy.

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