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“Good morning y/n” Jacks voice came through the phone. I smiled. “Hello Jack” I said. “Are you doing anything today?” He asked. “No. I dont have any plans why?” I said. “I wanted to take you somewhere later today” He said. “Ok. What did you have in mind?” I asked. “Its a surprise but I can pick you up at 4” Jack said. “Ok. Any specifi-” I was cut off. “Y/n? What time is it?” Felix said. “Jack laughed. “Is Felix at your house?” He asked. “Yeah. I was having a sleepover with Linda and Rosemary and he showed up here last night” I said. Jack continued to laugh. “Hey shut up!” I said. I was laughing too. “Ok. Ill pick you up at 4. Bye y/n” He said. “Bye Jack” I said. 

I hung up the phone and walked over to the couch. Everyone was awake now. 

“So whats up?” Linda asked. “Jack and I are going out at 4” I said. “Oooh” Rosemary and Felix said. “Can I help you get ready?” Both girls said at the same time. I laughed. “Yes” I said. “I should get going soon. I need to be at Bons at 8:30” He said. “Well bitchboy its 8:15 so you better get going” I said. He laughed at my little ‘nickname’ for him and got ready to go. “Bye bitchboy!” I said. I gave him a hug. “Bye Felix” Linda said. “Bye love!” Rosemary said. He walked out the door and left. “Anyone hungry?” Linda asked. “Yeah. Wanna go to a restaurant?” Rosemary said. I nodded. “You can borrow some of my clothes if you want” I said. 

They nodded and we walked into my room. I put on some black jeans and a black band tee. Rosemary wore a green skirt I had with a white shirt and black jacket and Linda put on some random blue jeans and a band tee. We put our shoes back on and left in my car. Getting to the restaurant at around 9:30 we got our food and made conversation. 

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