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“I cant wait for halloween!” Sophie said. I smiled. She was hanging out at my house again. According to Jack she always bothered him to come over here. She wanted to tell me about Jenny she wanted to talk about Edd and Molly she wanted to talk about school. Anything really. It was cute. 

The phone was practically screaming. I walked over to answer. “Hey y/n” Jack said. “Whats up love?” I asked. “I just called to say that Sophie forgot her clothes for school tomorrow” He said. “Oh. Its ok. She can borrow something of mine” I said. He laughed. “Ok. Hey you know she talks to you more than me. Like I dont even know of some of the things she tells you” He said. I laughed. “Really? I guess she likes me” I said. “Oh we were just about to go drive down the beach” I said. “Ok. Have a good time! Bye love” He said. “Bye love” I said hanging up the phone. 

“Ok. Come on Sophie” I said. She laughed. “Did my dad just call to say that he loves you?” She asked. “Yeah pretty much” I laughed. “Not gonna lie thats cute as hell” She said. We both laughed and went out to get into the car. We drove out towards the beach while listening to some music. Sophie had managed to learn a lot of my favorite songs. I always thought it was funny when Jack would tell me that she wanted to come over and I always wondered why she did wanna hang out here.

“Hey Sophie why do you always wanna hang out here?” I asked. “Promise you wont think its weird!” She said. I laughed and nodded. “I hope you and my dad last. Like I want you to marry him and I know that it sounds like a lot and it kinda is but I thi- no I know your gonna last. I like spending time with you because I want a real relationship with you not just the ‘my partners kids’ relationship” She said. I smiled. “Heres a not so secret secret. I do wanna marry Jack. And I hope I do. Ive wanted to be with him for so long” I said. We had gotten to the beach just as I finished and got out. We walked around and talked for a little while and when we went back home Sophie talked about halloween and what she wanted to do.

“So what are you dressing up as?” She asked. “Its a secret. Im sure you can wait 2 days” I said. “No! Tell me” She said. “Nope” I said. “Yes” She went on. “No” “Yes” “No” We went on for a while. “WhYyYyYyYy” She said. “Because me and Jack want-” I started. “Aha! You and dad! Your dressing up together!” She said. I laughed at her. “Yes we are dressing up together but Im not telling you as what” I said. She smiled. I made us some dinner and we sat down to eat. It was a pretty late dinner but dinner nonetheless. We were finished around 11 and sat down.

“Oh Sophie when your dad called earlier he said that you left your clothes there so you can pick your outfit for tomorrow now so we dont forget in the morning” I said. She smiled. “Oh my god your clothes are so cool ok. Where are your jeans?” She asked. “Right here and the shirts are over in this drawer” I said. She grabbed a pair of my black jeans and my only colored shirt. It was a red AC/DC shirt. I smiled. We put them in the bathroom and went to sleep. When I woke up I grabbed my other pair of black jeans and a random shirt and went to shower. After I put my shirt on I noticed that it was a Black Sabbath shirt. I smiled. I went out to get Sophie up and did my makeup. After Sophie showered we went over to Jacks. Sophie went to get Edd and Molly so I could take them to school however I noticed we had around 30 minutes until I usually picked them up. I went in to see Jack before he had to go to work.

“Good morning Jack” I said. He yawned and hugged me. “Good morning love” He said. I got up on my toes to kiss his cheek and he smiled. “Haha youre short” He said. “I am not short. Its not my fault your a fucking giant” I said to him. We both laughed and he gave me a kiss. “Halloween is tomorrow. Are you excited my love?” I asked him. “Of course” He said. I pulled him down by his shirt and kissed him. “Stop being so tall” I said. “If I wasnt you wouldnt have to do that” He said before kissing me again. He smiled into the kiss this time and pulled me closer. His hands traveled down to hold my waist and mine went up to his hair. Neither of us pulled away. We went on like this for a few seconds before someone knocked on the door. We pulled away quickly and went to open it.

“My sisters finally ready so we can go now” Sophie said. “Ok” I said. Before I could get out the door Jack pulled me back. “Can you come back after you take them?” He asked. There was a blush on his cheeks. “Yeah” I said and went out. I took the kids to school and just as Sophie was getting out she laughed. I knew she knew. “Bye y/n” She said. “Bye Sophie” I said. I drove back over to Jacks. I walked in to see him sitting in the living room. “So whats up?” I said. He jumped at my voice. “Hey y/n I didnt hear you come in” He said. I walked over to him. “Sit down love” He said. I sat down next to him but he pulled me into his lap. I went to kiss his cheek but he moved to look out the window so I ended up kissing his neck instead. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

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