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What about you Linda how have you been?”  I ask her. “Same as always. I think I found a good guy though but enough about us what about you y/n” Linda says. “Well i’ve been spending more time with Jack and the kids” I said. “Thats great!” Linda said. 

“Question y/n” Rosemary said. “Go for it” I smiled. “How are the kids- like how do they behave with you?” She asked. “They’re lovely! From what Jack says they act better when im around” All of us laughed. “Thats good. They like you y/n” Rosemary said. “When I picked them up a few days ago they asked me about you. Molly asked “Is y/n gonna marry daddy?” Sophie had said “I like y/n shes really nice” And Edd said “I want y/n over more!” They really like you” She said. I smiled. A woman walked over to our table to get our orders. After taking them she walked back shortly with our drinks. The girls and I talked about all thats going on in our lives especially with what has happened recently. They asked me about Jack and I. Whats going on with us and where did I want it to go. Rosemary talked about Felix and Linda brought up her new man. Everything was going pretty well for each of us. We ate our food and caught up. Once we were done we said our goodbyes and left the restaurant. I wasn’t sure what I would do when I got home however when I pulled in my plans changed.

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