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I woke up first the next morning. I stood up from the couch I fell asleep on last night and carefully walked over to the phone.

“Hello?” I said. “Good morning y/n. Whats up?” Jack said. “I was wondering if you could meet Rosemary Linda Felix and I at (favourite restaurant) this morning?” I said. “He laughed. “Yes of course. When?” He asked. I looked over at the clock. It read 8. How about 9:30. Since I know you need to take the kids to school” I said. He laughed again and said yes. I hung up the phone and went back over to the others. Felix had woken up before the girls. 

“Jack is gonna meet us at 9:30 after he takes the kids to school” I said. He nodded and we woke up the girls. We all got ready to meet Jack. Rosemary and Linda were wearing a mix of clothes they borrowed from me and some that they brought. We all did each others makeup and left the house. We made it to the restaurant around 9:20 and went in to get a table. A little bit later I see a very familiar face walk in. I walk over to the front door. 

“Hi Jack!” I said. He hugged me. “Hey y/n” He said. I lead him over to the table and we sat down. “So whats up?” Jack asked. “We wanted to talk about what were doing on halloween” I said. He smiled. “We can meet at my house and take the kids trick or treating” Jack said. Everyone agreed with this. We began thinking of our own costumes.

“So what are the kids gonna be?” Linda asked. “Why dont you tell them y/n” Jack said. Everyone looked over at me. They looked confused. “Well when Jack and Felix were on their business trip I was watching them and we made their costumes. Edd wanted to be a baseball player Molly’s a princess and Sophie is the bride of frankenstein” I said. Everyone began saying how cute it was and all that. We ordered and ate our food. We talked about our costumes a little more and finished. Felix said that he had to attend to some bills at Bons and Rosemary was gonna be picking the kids up later so she was gonna go home to clean. Linda said she was gonna meet up with the guy she actually liked so that left Jack and I. We decided to go back to his house to watch a movie and hang out. We left the restaurant and went to Jacks.

“Hey y/n are you cold?” Jack asked. I was. He noticed my shivering. “Yeah a little but its ok” I said. We sat down on the couch and put on a movie. Jack put his arm around me and I leaned back onto him. A few seconds later I looked at him. He noticed. I blushed a little and looked away. I hugged closer to him and built up the courage to kiss his cheek. Jack pulled me onto him and placed a light kiss onto my lips. I just hugged him.

“Hey Jack what are we?” I asked. I was nervous for the answer. “Well we can be whatever you wanna be” He said. “Can we be together?” I asked. My voice was just above a whisper. “Of course we can” He said. I looked back up and kissed him again. I am so happy. 


Jack Walten x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora