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I woke up to light breathing on the other side of me. I had spent the night at Jacks since it was nearly halloween. It was Sophies idea and of course Jack said yes. We spent the night talking all about what would go on the next day. After getting Edd and Molly to bed Sophie goes to lay down. Jack and I ended up sleeping in his room. My arms were wrapped around his neck and my head was laying on his chest. Jacks arms were tightly wrapped around my waist. He was snoring lightly. A few seconds later I heard light tapping on the door. 

“Dad?” Sophie said softly. “Come in Sophie” I said. She walked in and smiled. “Whats up?” I asked. “I cant get the other two up could you help?” She asked. “Yeah. Let me just-” I started. I tried to move Jacks arms so that I could get up. Sophie began laughing. “Shh” I said. Once I finally stood up I laughed. “Fuck that man could sleep through an earthquake” I said. We walked out to get Edd and Molly up. After helping Sophie wake up her siblings I went back to Jacks room. He was still sleeping. I decided to crawl back into bed with him until the kids were ready. Getting back into the same position and waiting for the kids. Once I was laying down Jack shifted and wrapped his arms around me again. 

“Hey wake up my love” Jack said. His voice had the softest tone. I looked up at him. “No” I said. I put my head back down on his chest. He laughs. “Come on” He said. “Never” I said. “Ok” Jack said. He stood up and went over to his closet presumably to put a shirt on and went out to help Molly with her costume. I got up shortly after to make sure Sophie was ready and we left to take the kids to school. Jack had stayed back to make breakfast for us. 

“Hey y/n I caught you sleeping with daddy!” Molly said. My face reddened. “Do you love our daddy?” She asked. “Molly be quiet” Sophie said. She was laughing. I dropped them off and went back to Jack. “Hey uh in the car Molly said that she saw us sleeping” I said. He laughed again. “Lovely” He said. “And she asked if I loved you” I said. He handed me a plate to get some of the food that he made. We picked up the house a little bit while the kids were at school but there wasnt much to do. We ended up spending most of the time cuddling on the couch and putting the finishing touches on our costumes.

“How does my costume look love?” I asked. Jack looked at me and blushed. “U-um you” He stuttered. “Perfect” He said nervously. I walked over and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. We stood like that for a while. Waiting for the time to pass we talked about the kids. Jack asked me about what happened when Sophie was at my house and I told him about it all. He was smiling at the end. He loved the fact that she wanted to be around me. We talked until Rosemary and Felix were back with the kids. She took them around for a little while so that it would be later when they got back and once they were ready they could go trick or treating. When they did get back Rosemary and Felix were also getting ready. They didnt know about our costume either. Jack and I helped the kids get ready before we get ready. Jack put his suit on and did his hair while I got into my dress and did my makeup. We were ready pretty quick and went out. Felix was the first to see our costumes. 

“Oh my god y/n did you make these costumes?” He asked. “Yeah. I made mine Sophies and Mollys” I said. “Thats so cool!” He said. A few seconds later Rosemary walked down. “Wow Rose you look amazing!” I said. “Oh my god y/n I could say the same about you!” She said. “Oh my god look at your boobs!” She said. “Yeah theyre above the sky right now” I said. I looked over to Jack. His face was so red. I walked over to hug him. He was still all red. It was cute. “I love you” I said. “I love you too” He said. Rosemary freaked out. “Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!” She screamed. I laughed. “Damn if she freaked out about that than what will she do about this?” I said. I turned around and pulled Jacks collar down towards me. His lips landed on mine. His hands went down to my waist and mine moved up to his hair. Rose was squeaking at this. Felix just stood there and laughed. Jack and I were still kissing when we heard the kids clunk down to us. We pulled away but not fast enough. Gasps were heard from Edd and Molly. “Daddy! Do you love y/n?” Molly asked. He looked at me and smiled. “Yes I do Molly” He said. She squealed with excitement. I hugged him close. Edd was smiling and Sophie was laughing. “So can I see y/n’s costume now!” Sophie asked. “Ok ok” I said. I came out from behind Jack. I was now standing beside him. He put his arm around my waist. “Emily” Sophie said. “And Victor” She continued. We nodded. “I love it” She smiled.

“Ok kids its time to go” Jack said. “Yes! Were gonna go pick up Jenny!” Sophie said. Jack and I went into the car with the kids. Felix and Rosemary followed us. We picked up Jenny and went back to Jacks. We left after and began trick or treating. Jack and I got a lot of compliments on our costumes and so did Rosemary and Felix. They were dressed as Jack and Sally. A lot of people also liked the kids costumes. We walked around for a long time. The kids got so much candy. We ended up going back to Jacks around 1 and the kids were still kinda hyped. They all wanted to sleep in the living room and watch a movie so thats what we did. Everyone took off their costumes and put some casual clothes back on and removed their makeup. Sophie and Jenny wanted me to help make them a blanket fort so I did. After that Edd and Molly wanted one so I helped them. Rosemary and Felix went back home after saying goodbye to everyone. After helping the kids I went into Jacks room.

“Hey love did you wanna sleep in the living room tonight? The kids want us out there” I said. He nodded and we went out. What I didnt know was that the kids built us a fort in the living room. We laid down for a while until the kids fell asleep and we ended up back in Jacks room. He took his shirt off and laid down. “Jack why dont you wear a damn shirt” I asked. To be honest I didnt really mind. I just love giving him a hard time. “Because im too sexy” He said. “Ok love. Whatever helps you sleep at night” I said. He laughed. “I mean you do so-” He started. I sat on the bed and kissed him lightly. He pulled me over towards him and I laid down on him. I kissed his cheek and he fell asleep. I laid there and listened to his heartbeat until I fell asleep myself. 

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